Chapter 5: Thoughts

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Phil POV

I smiled as our neighbour left. I closed the door behind her and stood there for a while thinking. She seemed really nice, whoever she was. I didn't want to ask her name, because I'd feel weird to admit I didn't learn it last time. I hoped Dan learned her name. She was also really pretty, but I didn't think she was as old as a university student. She was really young and thin looking.

I walked over to the sofa where Dan was sitting in his usual spot. He was looking up at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

He quickly returned to the real world, and said "Nothing."

"Alright," I let it go. "Did you ever learn her name?"

"Rachel, her name was Rachel."

"Oh good. I'm glad I can know it now," I smiled. "Was it all that bad?" I asked about having her over.

"No, it was actually really nice," he said.

That shocked me, actually. When Dan was tired and didn't want to meet anyone, nothing would stop him from hiding in the corner and avoiding all human contact. I wasn't sure why he enjoyed tonight, but I was glad that maybe he was looking on the bright side of things. Meeting people was good for him. Lately he seemed so depressed all the time. I know that meeting people could maybe change his opinion and help him realize that he was well liked.

"Wanna watch that anime now?" I asked him.

"Sure, which do you want to watch tonight?"

"Hmm..." I thought.


It was 3 AM. I was sitting on my computer as usual, scrolling through tumblr. But I couldn't get something off my mind.

For some reason, I couldn't get Rachel off my mind.

I didn't even know her at all, but she seemed different from the others. She was polite, kind, awkward, and beautiful. I admit that at first she seemed younger than a university student. Maybe it was because she was very thin and short. Somehow though, those features were so attractive on her.

I couldn't say I liked her, because well, I just met her. But what I didn't understand was not her, but me. Right as she walked in the door, I was no longer tired or upset. I honestly had the toughest day. Going to town always exhausted me. I hated going from shop to shop. In the end, I hardly found anything that Phil and I wanted. But when Rachel walked in, I felt happy and comfortable somehow. Maybe she was just the kind of person who did that to people. Or maybe it was just me.

By now I was out of my chair and was pacing around. My room was dark only to be lit by my computer screen.

Who was she, this American girl? And why was she so somehow different? It was no wonder why Phil asked her to dinner. She seemed special somehow.

But maybe she was just special to me.

But I couldn't catch feelings. No, I couldn't. I imagined the comments under my videos as she was with me on my channel, or YouNow. There would be a storm of questions, assumptions, and hate. I couldn't put up with that. I already had to deal with that with "Phan". I couldn't deal with it. And what I didn't want to make Rachel deal with that all.

Did I just really picture us as a couple?

Stop it, Dan. You don't even know her.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now