Chapter 24: Party

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*Rachel POV*

A week had gone by since Dan and I last spoke or even saw each other. It was almost amazing how quickly it fell apart. Almost.

School had been fine, as usual as it returned to be the only thing I really invested my time into. I had hung out with my new friends some more, and they were honestly really nice.

My phone rang. I grabbed my phone in surprise and saw Mike's name on the screen. I reluctantly picked up the phone. I never liked talking over the phone.

"Yeah?" I asked, realizing I sounded somewhat irritated.

"Oh, are you busy?"

"No, not at all, sorry."

"Okay, well I just called to say something short anyway," Kevin said in a slightly sarcastic, jokey tone.

"I'm not busy, I swear," I chuckled.

"Alright. Well Mike and Christina and I are planning on going to a college party tonight. Julie's not coming. She's not much of a party person. Do you wanna come with us?"

I gulped. I wasn't much of a party person either, really. But I felt really bored. What could go wrong? I was an adult now, I couldn't be a shy child.

"Sure, I'm in. Where's it at?" I said a bit timidly.

"It's at my cousin John's flat, not far from the school. I'll send you the address and the time."

"Alright, thanks. Gotcha. See you."

"Bye," he smiled through the phone.

He hung up, and I pulled my phone away from my face and did the same.

I got a text a few seconds later. The address was listed, and then it said "8:00".

My mouth dropped. That was only in an hour. What is he thinking? I need more time than that.

I rushed to my closet where I shuffled through my usual sweaters and dragged out the only dress I ever brought from home.

It was black, of course. I liked black, a lot.

I set it across my bed and dashed to the shower where I jumped into cool water, shrieked from the temperature, and began to clean my body and wash my hair and shave.

I was out after a long while. I dried my hair and tried to curl it, but the curls only fell out. Damn straight, thin hair.

Normal makeup with some extra eyeliner, lipstick, blah blah so on.

Surprisingly, I didn't trip while wearing heels.

I walked out of my flat at 8:15. Not bad.

"Rachel?" I heard a voice call me timidly. I knew that voice. My eyes grew large and my mouth formed an o. There was no way to hide my shock.

I turned to see Dan Howell looking at me perplexed.

"What? Hi?" I asked, confused and feeling a bit hurt. I concentrated on the floor.

"Are you...?" He looked at me, scanning me from head to toe. Going on a date, my mind completed the sentence.

I laughed nervously, "No. Duh, no. But whatever. Gotta go, bye." My nervousness took over as I spoke, basically running down the stairs afterwards.


The party was already started by the time I reached the flat. People were overflowing in the room, and I rarely felt claustrophobic, but this was the exception. Loud music shook the walls. People talked in circles with drinks. Others jumped up and down dancing with drinks spilling on the floor. Some random person was spinning around in a chair crossing the room. I stood awkwardly at the door staring at the party in horror. When can I go home? My mind asked me. No, I thought, you have to do this. You have to be social.

"Heyyyy!" Mike greeted me, swaying from foot to foot as he walked over. He then punched my shoulder. Drunk already, Mike? Really?

"Uh hey!" I tried to act like a social person despite the circumstances. "How are you?"

"I'm great! But you? You look so stiff. You should dance and have fun."

"I'm not much of a dancer," I shook my head.

"What? I can't hear you over the music!"

"I DON'T REALLY DANCE," I raised my voice, feeling uncomfortable.

"You're supposed to be crazy, American. Come on.. Have some fun!"

Then Kevin stumbled over, "Raaachel, dance with us!" There was alcohol in his breath, but both of them looked at me and I didn't know how else to say no.

Soon I was in a crowd of people who were running into each other and drinking. I jumped up and down trying to blend in. I looked over and saw Christina grinding on Kevin. They both seemed to be enjoying it very much. Disgusting.

"Hey babe," a voice purred from behind me as a hand slid from the bottom of my ribs to just above my butt. The voice spoke in my ear, "You look fun."

I stopped dancing and shivered. "Not really, no."

"Thirsty girl, do you want a drink?"

"No, no I don't."

"Oh, well it doesn't matter. You'll do what I want, baby girl."

"No?" I squeaked. I wasn't heard over the noise.

The guy buried his lips in my mouth and jammed his tongue into my throat. It was disgusting, and I couldn't breathe. Then his hand grabbed my back and shoved me against him. His other hand dug down into my bra and tore the straps off of my dress, and I wanted to scream, but his tongue didn't allow my mouth to move. As I tried to move back, he forced me against him tighter, his grip tightening.

I willed myself to lift my leg up and kick him right between the legs. He jumped back and screeched like a child. I looked around me. Everyone was still partying and doing what they were, no one noticing what happened to me. I breathed uncomfortably. I pushed through the crowd, not waiting for an opening to get through. I found the door and ran into the London night, holding onto my broken dress.


*Dan POV*

I walked down the stairs of the building. Where did she go? It was a date, wasn't it? I wanted to go on a walk. For the first time since what happened to Phil, I wasn't afraid to go out at night anymore. I needed to clear my head, anyway.

Down the stairs, I was spacing out. I felt something hard hit my chest, which hurt a lot. Then I heard something heavy falling down the stairs. I stared down in shock. A girl was falling down the stairs. She stopped rolling. That wasn't any girl, it was Rachel.

I gasped in shock. "Oh my god, are you okay?" I ran to her to make sure she was okay.

"Leave me alone!" She shouted.

I heard footsteps. "What's going on?" Phil appeared behind me. I glanced over my shoulder, aware of his presence.

"Something happened to her. She's also drunk, I think."

"Am not!" Rachel shouted.

"Shh.. It'll be okay," Phil tried to calm her.

"No! Go away!"

I looked at Phil with sad eyes. "What should we do?"

Phil looked at me and thought for a moment, "She needs to come to our place. She can't be alone like this. She needs to calm down."

"She won't want to," I said.

"We have no choice," Phil said, something I thought he would never say. He wasn't a very bold person.

Rachel screamed and squirmed as Phil picked her up and carried her up the stairs.

I watched as I climbed the stairs, feeling hopeless. What happened to her? Why wasn't I there? Why am I always only making things worse.

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