Chapter 42: Birthday

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*Phil POV*

Doing things for my friends was one of my favourite things. I just loved seeing them smile.

I tried to make the scrambled eggs quietly, however that was possible. Dan and I didn't like scrambled eggs very much, but today was not about us.

Dan walked sluggishly into the kitchen, his eyes squinting at the light, "I'm sorry I'm late. I just kept trying to get out of bed but she kept moving and I didn't want to wake her."

I smiled, imagining Dan panicking at her moving. They were both so sweet. "It's fine. You aren't that late."

"So what should I do?" Dan yawned, shifting between his tired feet.

"Set the table up," I stirred the eggs, seeing that they were near to done. "The tea's already started, but you could also get the gifts from the closet if I don't finish before you."

"Alright," he responded, smiling. "Let's make this a good day for her, okay? Because she's leaving in a few days."

"Of course," I smiled, turning off the stove.

I didn't know what kind of birthdays Rachel had in the past, but I wanted this to be her best birthday. But when I thought about it a lot, I knew I didn't want her to leave. Well, of course I didn't. It would be painful. I wish it was alright for me to tell her how I felt, but it wasn't. Maybe that hurt me more than her disappearing. I don't know.

*Rachel POV*

I woke up to an irritating screeching noise that made me jump awake suddenly. I sat still for a moment, feeling afraid of what it was. But just then, I realized it was a tea kettle. I exhaled in relief. I closed my eyes and then turned to my side, hoping to return to sleep, but with my startling awakening, I didn't think it was possible.

I opened my eyes and stared sleepily, recognizing where I was. It didn't take me long to realize I was in Dan's room.
I had slept here the past five days, since my mom left and then stopped paying for my flat. I didn't have much to take out of it, so by the landlord came back, I was already gone and packed up. I felt bad for dragging my stuff into Dan and Phil's. Especially for Dan, being the neat freak he can be. But it wasn't much, and they said they didn't mind. I just hoped they meant it.

As I was thinking and becoming aware, I realized something was missing. Dan was not in the bed, and the duvet was pulled up on his side. He rarely woke up earlier than me ever, even though I overslept enough as it was. I realized it was time to wake up and find out what was up with that.

I stretched once I got my feet on the floor, and then returned to a sleepy, slumped posture that was sure to give me back problems in my future.

I opened the door and squinted at the light. Even the windowless hallway was bright. Why is it so bright today?

I heard Dan and Phil laughing across the house, so I decided to follow the sound of the laughter.

I walked in to see the living room table with a table cloth on it, and three plates on it, and a pot of flowers in the middle of the table, and then two gifts on the table. Okay, I'm confused.

Just then Dan and Phil turned around. Phil tried to dramatically turn around and almost ended up tripping on his feet. I laughed. "Happy Birthday!" They yelled.

It took me a while to understand. They must've been confused by my expression. They were right, it was my birthday!

"Oh my goodness," I said, unable to stop smiling. "It is my birthday."

"Did you forget?" Dan questioned me.

"I did," I continued smiling, "I just, never have really had a birthday. I don't want to create a sob story, but yeah. Explanations."

They came up to me and gave me an awkward group hug. I still couldn't stop smiling.


"It's a picture of the three of us," Dan said, as I stared wordlessly at the frame in my hand in wonder. "So you won't ever forget us."

I saw the three of us standing there. It was magical, perfect. I couldn't ever see anything more perfect.

"I couldn't ever forget you two," I said, my voice unstable.

"Open mine," Phil sat forward in his chair.

I smiled, "Alright."

I tore open the colorful and strange wrapping paper that only Phil would buy. I then opened the brown box and shuffled through the tissue paper.

Inside the tiniest box was a bracelet. It was a black bracelet, from what I first saw. And when I looked further it said Phandom member #0001

"Oh my God," I said aloud, "You can't give this to me, seriously. This is one of a kind."

"And so are you," Phil said.

I didn't think it was possible to smile more than I already was, but I did. I smiled for so long and felt so happy that even my face didn't hurt.

"We'll do whatever you want today," Dan said.

"What pressure," I said sarcastically, but honestly. "Alright then. First of all, I want to make a collab video with you both. I'll never get another chance, so." If it was possible to be completely happy and completely sad, that's exactly what I was. "Just let me get ready. Maybe we can vlog what we do today. There's nothing more that I'd like."

Phil smiled, "Of course! Let's do it!"

"I need to straighten my hair," Dan said immediately.

I laughed a little bit, and Dan sarcastically glared at me. "I'm not blessed with mermaid hair like you."

"You want long blonde-ish brown hair?"

"It would be fun," Dan said. "I would be fabulous."

"You're already fabulous."

We all laughed.

Then we headed to our different corners of the house - me to the bathroom, and Dan and Phil to their separate rooms to straighten their hair.

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