Chapter 4: Dinner

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Rachel POV

I looked up at Dan Howell as he gave me a strange look. I smiled shyly and he eventually smiled back. "Hi, Dan, isn't it?"

"Yes," he said, "and you are?"

"Rachel," I said quietly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Dan," he said, "Wait. You already know my name. Ugh. Sorry."

I laughed and he joined in.

"Phil's almost done with dinner. Wanna sit down?"


As I walked inside, I saw the apartment, or flat, that I had seen in countless videos. It was like going on a movie set or museum. I tried not to look overly amused, but I honestly felt so excited to be here.

I sat down on the couch, and practically sunk in. It was so comfortable. I immediately felt like falling asleep again and felt slightly dizzy, but I blinked myself out of it.

I must've made a face, because Dan asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. Just haven't slept since a long time."


"Plane travel."

"Where did you move from?"

"Southern California."

"That's a nice place."

"It's alright."

"I think it's literally perfect."


"Well better than England."

"Maybe. But I'll have to be the judge of that when I've been here longer than I have."

"Dinner's ready!" Phil called from the other room.

Dan and I got to our feet. He guided me to the table where Mexican stir fry was on three separate plates and water was poured into glasses.

Dan and Phil took their seats and I took the remaining seat which was next to Dan and across from Phil.

"I hope you like Mexican food," Phil smiled shyly.

"I do, I love it, thank you," I replied.

"She's from Southern California," Dan commented.

"Hey, not all of us like Mexican food. Do all English like tea?"

"That's a good point," Dan replied.

We then started eating. It was delicious, but not spicy enough for my taste. I wonder how Phil made it. Maybe he was secretly a chef behind a mask of a YouTuber. Who knows?

"So why'd you move to London, if you're from California?" Phil asked.

"I'm studying abroad for a year in college," I paused then corrected myself, "University, I mean."

"Oh nice!" Phil responded, "But you're not living there?"

I shook my head, "No the university I'm going to doesn't have dorms."

Dan looked up from his food, "Dorms?"

I felt my face grow hot. I messed up. Embarrassing! Did I say something bad on accident? "Is there another word for 'dorm' in England?"

"Dorm... Dormitory... Hall of residence?" Dan thought aloud.

"I guess so," I concluded.

"Well that's interesting," Phil said, "I never knew that!"

I smiled. I liked that. I liked the difference between the languages. It really was interesting.

"And why England, out of all the countries?" Phil asked, taking his fork into his mouth as he ate.

If I was being honest, I would have explained that ever since I watched British TV and British YouTubers, I learned more and more about England and became an Anglophile. But the honest truth was too creepy and bizarre.

I awkwardly paused, and then said "Well, I'm majoring in English, so why not go to England? I wanted to travel. Plus I know no other languages it was either England or Australia. England was my final choice."

"Cool," Phil said. "Well, good choice."

Soon, we were all finished with dinner. We sat back and exchanged glances confirming that we were done.

"Well that was nice," Phil broke silence.

"It was, thank you," I said silently.

"Thanks, Phil," Dan said.

"Well you can stay here if you want. I don't want to make you leave but I don't want you to not be able to unpack a little either," Phil said politely, smiling, "Dan and I were just going to watch some anime. I don't know if you like that."

"I love anime," I smiled, paused, and thought about whether I should stay or not. I felt a little dizziness, and decided that I shouldn't pass out on their couch. "But I can't stay, I'm sorry. I'm very tired."

"Aww that's too bad," Phil said. "Well, I hope we can hear from you again."

I smiled. "Likewise," and started heading for the door.

As I was about to say goodbye, Phil came running up to me, "Wait!"

I looked at him confused.

"If you ever need us, we'll be here most of the time, but if not, here's my number."

He handed me a slip of paper with a number on it.

"Phil! Give her mine too!" Dan yelled from the couch.

Phil looked confused, but he then turned started walking around the house looking for something. He returned with a pen and jotted down another number on the back of the paper.

"There you go," he handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said, "Goodbye."

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now