Chapter 46: Awakening

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*Rachel POV*

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I jumped awake.

I saw Phil looking down at me, "Why are you out here? Is everything okay?"

It seemed I could never get a rest from any of this. I sat up and inhaled a bit, only returning to see his eyes looking back into mine. Did he really not remember?

"Yeah, something's wrong, but we'll discuss it later with Dan."

"Ow," his face filled with pain.

"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"I think I'm hungover. Did I really get drunk?"

"I'm afraid so. I never thought of you as someone who would get drunk."

"Me neither. I just got carried away, I guess," he smiled slightly, "which isn't that good. I usually say things I don't mean to say and do things I don't mean to do when I'm drunk."

You didn't have to tell me.

"I'll make breakfast," I offered, "You just, I dunno. Do whatever." I smiled.

He smiled in return.

I couldn't help feeling incredibly awkward about the situation. Phil's drunk confession, or confusion and then what happened couldn't get out of my mind. I didn't want it to affect things, but it did anyway. I couldn't look at him like I did any other day, now that I knew. It wasn't that I liked him or something, but it really changed things. I wasn't just a friend to him, and I would have to deal with that.

"Are you alright?" He asked me, looking at my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled. I had to remember that I easily reacted to things I was thinking about. I envied those people who were very composed and could control their expressions.

Making breakfast for Dan and Phil was easy enough. They looked pretty high maintenance on camera - Dan with his fancy or strange black clothes and Phil with his always clean room. But honestly, they were normal guys. They had their cereals. Dan would be happy I didn't let Phil eat any of his cereal. Even Dan wouldn't let me eat any of his cereal. It was like his child or something.

Dan came into the kitchen, leaning his head on the side of the entryway, looking tired as ever.

"Hello...?" I greeted in more of a question.

He just looked up from the floor and greeted me with tired eyes and a blank expression.

"You doing alright?"

He nodded carefully and difficultly. I wasn't convinced.

"How much do you remember?" I made sure to speak quietly.

It took him a while to answer, "Everything, I think."

By his expression, I took his word for it.


"What is it you wanted to talk about?" Phil inquired, managing to look at me attentively despite probably feeling pretty hung over.

I looked between the two of them, their solemn expressions staring me down. This was going to be harder than I thought. Words were hard to find.

"Well... um Dan and I witnessed something yesterday."

"What?" Phil asked, "I'm hoping it's not bad."

Dan and I looked at each other. I didn't want to count Dan out of it, but I would feel bad if Phil felt embarrassed in front of Dan if I said it here. I didn't know what to do.

I looked back at Phil, who was looking concerned at me. I felt the pressure to say something.

kissedme," I said quickly at quietly, as if bursting anxiety out from my mouth.

I wasn't sure they even heard me at first, but I soon saw the immediate affects.

Dan turned away and shifted away from me. Phil looked at me in horror. His eyes darted down and his face turned red.

"Dan saw it," I struggled to speak, "That's why I was on the sofa bed."

Dan looked over quickly when hearing his name. We made awkward eye contact.

Phil looked up at me, "Well, um. Um. You see. It's true I was drunk. You're right that I'm not the kind of person who gets drunk, but I was just sad. You're leaving. And it's true that I like you. But you're Dan's. I'm okay with that. I never meant to tell you how I felt. It just happened."

I felt shocked. Of course I did. It was normal. But I was glad too. I was happy he told me this way. It was complicated, of course. Things weren't going to be easy. The awkwardness wouldn't just go away like that. But I was glad.

"Thanks, Phil," I smiled, leaning slightly to him in a comforting way (or at least I tried).

Dan still sat distanced from us both. I know he would come out of this one day. I just hoped before I left for America. What was I supposed to do until then?

"Well, since I have to leave tomorrow, I better start packing," I said.

I immediately left for Dan's room, leaving the awkward situation as soon as possible.

I dug through my suitcase, getting some clothes for today and tomorrow. Then I started folding clothes and jamming them in.

It was pretty still and lonely in here. Not the kind of last full day I particularly wanted here.

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