Chapter 43: No More Secrets

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*Rachel POV*

I sat on Dan's bed as he straightened his hair over for the millionth time. I was afraid he'd burn it off, but I didn't say anything.

Everything was quiet. I was still happy, but things were serious. I went back deep into thinking, realizing all over again that I would soon never see this place again.

"Rachel?" Dan said, turning his straightener off and unplugging it from the wall. "I was wondering... I know you're leaving and I know it's a sensitive topic, but." He paused, and looked at my face.


"I was thinking... There's something I want to do," he paused. "Wow that sounds ominous. Well, what I was going to say, is I want you to meet my fans... As my girlfriend."

I inhaled nervously, and exhaled. Of course it was a big step. Of course it was scary. But I figured, he was right. I was just about to leave. I would never see him again in a few number of days. When the video was uploaded, I would be gone. And I don't even know if I would ever even see it. Of course, I was scared, but I was more scared of my future in America, whatever it was.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brung it up," he said.

"No," I said," trying to look at him without sounding as upset as I really was, "I want to do it too."

"You're extremely pale. More than normal."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," he laughed. "Well if you're serious, we have time before we leave."

"Alright," I managed to smile, "let's do it."


"Hey Internet!" Dan said. "This video was extremely unplanned, which is something I've never really ever done, but I have something to say."

He looked over at me, my cue.

I tripped a bit on the way to getting to his bed from behind the camera. He laughed a bit but then looked back at the lens.

"Alright, so as many of you know, this is Rachel, who has been my neighbor for the last couple months."

"Yup, I've been lucky enough to be neighbors with YouTubers. As you know, they've inspired me to become a YouTuber. Honestly this journey to become a YouTuber has been amazing. I'm so glad to be a part of it," I paused and looked at Dan nervously. He reassured me with his eyes.

I looked back at the camera, "Unfortunately, I have to leave the UK soon and go back to America. Honestly my life has just been confusing and I need to leave the university and figure it all out. I might have to stop doing YouTube. Actually, I most definitely will, at least for a couple months. I'm so sad to leave it, but I hope I can be back. The last couple months have been the most amazing months of my entire life. I'm not exactly strong yet, but Dan and Phil helped me realize who I really was." I stopped and looked at Dan. My cue for him.

"It's really sad. Phil and I will miss her too. So much. We've had a great pleasure knowing you. And not that it matters now, since Rachel will be gone in America by the time this video is uploaded, but... Rachel has been my girlfriend these past couple months. And although we went through some rough patches, I don't regret knowing her."

I felt tears gather in my eyes, but I held them in.

"So, goodbye everyone. I'm sorry this video is kinda sad. I'm sorry if you hate me for being with Dan, but by the time you see this, it won't be a problem for you because we'll be over."

Dan looked at me and I looked at him. His eyes looked ready to melt in tears. Then he kissed me.

His lips parted from mine and he looked directly at the camera. "Yeah, this video is not my usual kind, but she's been an important part of my life. And that's what matters."

He shut the video off.

"There," Dan said. "No more secrets. Soon everyone will know. And I hope you know I meant every word I said."

My eyes overflowed with tears and I put my face into his chest. "Thank you."

"What?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my back.

"Just thank you."


Thank you, Dan, for everything.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now