Chapter 33: Finals

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*Rachel POV*

The amount of books scattered on my floor made want to spontaneously combust. History, English, Psychology, Philosophy... And how much did I have to know for each final? Every little detail since the beginning of the semester.

And the school decided it would be best to put the majority of those finals all scheduled into one day. Lovely, just lovely.

*Dan POV*

I mashed the buttons on the controller rapidly, to where my thumbs burned with action. "DIE, PHIL, DIE!"

"Noo! Dan, stop!" Phil complained, swatting at me with one of his hands, making it even easier to have advantage over him. I wouldn't give him sympathy. I was crushing him.

At the end of the game, a giant "WINNER" sign in red flashed over my character who looked extremely happy to have won. Phil's character looked sad with a dark "LOOSER" over him.

"Ha! Ha! HA!" I laughed in Phil's face.

He pouted, "I almost had it!" Optimistic as usual.

"No, I was way ahead of you. You should practice, Phil."

He just continued pouting.

*Rachel POV*

Okay. It's only 7 PM. Not that bad. I have time. The first one is at noon. Okay? Okay.

To be or not to be... Hey that wall is pretty. I never really noticed at that spot that there's a small crack. Maybe that's where all the spiders come from. Isn't it weird how animals that can fly have to flap wings or something but humans are pictured as flying by not moving anything? What the hell? But then they'd look pretty stupid flailing their arms.

I laughed out loud at that thought.

Okay, be focused. Shakespeare was married at 18 to a woman who was 26? How odd for that time period. I wonder why that was. Maybe it was an arranged marriage for the money, if he was writing then. I wonder when he started writing. Maybe it was a runaway marriage. Okay, focus.

History. Okay. So Henry III got divorced and separated from the Catholic Church. He married so many people! Sheesh man, make up your mind. Okay, what if he was actually a nice guy? I wonder what history books would say about me. Probably "she procrastinated so much and instead of it working she actually did poorly and accomplished nothing in life". Oh.

*Dan POV*

"Dinner song, dinner song. This is my dinner song," I sang out loud, walking into the kitchen, skipping a bit.

I opened the cupboards and looked around at the usual - pasta, flour, sugar, cereal. Then the fridge - milk, bread.

"Phil!" I called.

I waited to hear his response.

"Phil!" I called again.

"Dan, I'm on the toilet!"

"TMI, TMI, TMI!" I said in disgust. I waited.

I heard the toilet flush and the sink run.

Phil appeared after a while. "What is it?"

"Do you wanna go to dinner somewhere? We have no food."

"No food? Yeah we do."

"Well, if you feel like having cereal and toast then yeah."

"Ok, I'll get dressed."

Phil shuffled out of the room in his Christmas pajamas. Gosh, it was only mid December.

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