Chapter 20: Danger

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*Phil POV*

I walked down the London-y streets. I spaced out as the chatter of people buzzed in the background. Buses rattled. It was very loud. It was another day of errands. I did most of them since Dan never really wanted to get up. And I didn't mind, really. Sometimes I really fancied a walk. Sometimes I went to see friends too, like Chris. It was really a good time.

I boarded the tube where people shoved each other to get on. I almost fell over, apologizing insistently, getting strange looks in return. It was evening, and the tube was always crowded at times like this. You would think I would've thought it out better by now and find a better way around, but I always forgot until I was trapped shoulder to shoulder with a bunch of grumpy, hungry, and tired people. I stood awkwardly between them all, looking over their heads and staring at the wall.

I spaced out for a bit. I felt people tug by as I tried to not be pushed. "Sorry, sorry, sorry," I insisted.

A whole new rush of people poured into the tube. I moved toward the back to stay out of the way.

I heard the doors move shut. Everyone went silent as we all shifted uncomfortably as the tube started moving.

I thought about the weather and how it was starting to get colder, being October and all. I thought of maybe getting a warm drink on the way home. I knew what I'd want, and Dan would feel betrayed if I didn't get him something, so I would. Then I wondered if Rachel would want something or if she was studying furiously as she did sometimes, practically disappearing from the world. Maybe I should text her?

I tried to reach for my phone, but I clumsily elbowed some woman who gave me a dirty look. I became flushed, and apologized. I didn't end up getting my phone out.

I spaced out again. It was October, so maybe it was a good time to think of Holloween? I was a zombie giraffe last year, so maybe I could be a vampire monkey this year? No, Dan was a vampire last year. I couldn't do that.

For the next few stops, people shuffled in and out. I realized I lost track of time. I felt my face grow hot. Where was I? I needed to get home! What time was it?

I could picture Dan chuckling about how I always got lost, and I honestly always did. I felt embarrassed. I was an adult but I couldn't even understand how to get home.

Once the door opened at the next stop I tried to push through the people, but I felt bad and rude, so I ended up apologizing silently and stepping back. The window didn't open for me to get out as a bunch of new people rushed in. I nervously pouted and looked forward, knowing that for sure I would get off at the next stop, wherever that was, no matter what.

And I did. I felt incredibly rude as I ran past some people in front of me. I hiked up escalators and looked outside. The sun was invisible as the sky was a medium to dark blue.

I checked my phone. It was 7:00 PM. I checked Google Maps, trying to find my route home. I didn't want to risk the tube again. It was about thirty minutes from home if I walked. So I started walking.

It was very dark, and oddly there weren't many lights on this side of town, wherever I was. London was always lit very nicely from what I'd seen.

I spaced out again.

"Watch it, girly boy!" I heard a rough voice speak as I felt myself run into someone.

"I'm so-"

I noticed the person I ran into. His face was covered with rough, tangled beard. He had thick eyebrows. He was wearing a sleeveless stained shirt. His arms were pale and had a tattoo with a few letters and a symbol on it.

"What's this?" He mocked me, pulling on my colorful patterned shirt. "Have you lost your way, missy?" He laughed. More laughs echoed as two men emerged from the darkness of behind a building.

"I'm not lost!" I almost yelped, "I was just on my way home."

"Oh we can get you home," the man's lips curved slowly into a smile, exposing his crooked, yellow teeth.

"I'm fine, really," I gulped. Things didn't seem right. Then men surrounded me. I noticed they all had the same tattoo on their arm.

"No you better come with us."

"I'm fine, really! Thank you but I got to go?" I almost asked in a question. I felt myself getting nervous. Things weren't right.

"I'm afraid you have no choice, girly boy."

It all happened so fast. A guy from behind swung at my head. I waddled to try and stay standing as my head spun. I felt them all grow closer and I tried to kick them, hit them, or do anything to hurt them, but they were as thick as a wall. I felt my phone pulled from my pocket. I had another hit to my head and a fist to my eye. Everything went black.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon