Chapter 21: Emergency

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*Dan POV*

I knocked rapidly on Rachel's door. My heart beat faster than I thought possible. I inhaled and exhaled faster than I could understand. It made my head dizzy.

"Shit, Rachel, open the damn door!"

The door opened, Rachel stood with a sleepy, hurt, and confused look. "Dan, what the fuck?" She didn't normally cuss, so I was surprised. "It's 4 AM... What's wrong?"

"Phil never came home... The police..."

Her eyes grew wide. I continued to breathe quickly. "Dan, calm down! You'll pass out if you don't... Take it slow."

I tried to take it slower, but I couldn't. I swallowed, and continued, "Phil got attacked. Someone heard groaning around a corner. He's in the hospital right now."

"Holy-" Rachel caught her tongue. "Give me two seconds. Please sit down and try to stay calm. I'll get my shoes."

I walked into her flat but I couldn't sit down. My emotions were bottled up and I wanted to cry, but I couldn't understand what was happening. I crossed my arms and stared angrily at the ground. Phil had to be okay, right? I wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't. He was the reason I was who I was today.

*Rachel POV*

"Okay, I'm ready, let's go," I rushed out of my room to find Dan looking hurt and vulnerable in the middle of the entryway where I last saw him. I wanted to see him smile, but I was as stressed as he was, and I knew nothing I could say could fix what happened tonight.

I grabbed him hand maybe a bit too firmly than intended.

"Let's go." I tugged him outside of the flat and didn't bother locking the door. I sprinted down the stairs. I felt tears fall down my face as I ran outside into the wind. I had never ran so fast in my whole life. I was tired, but I couldn't stop running. There was no way we could find any transportation at this time, so we just kept running. It was very cold. I felt my arm shake as I pulled Dan forward. He shouted where we were going over the wind when I ran. I nodded. I felt my vision go weird. I tripped on my own foot and went flying forward.


I felt my skin all scraped up as I felt where I hit the pavement. I felt Dan put his hand on my shoulder. It took me a while to respond, because I was shocked. "I'm fine." As I got up, I saw blood on the pavement.

"Shit, Rachel! Really?!"

I felt tears gather in my eyes, "I'm sorry!" I shouted, feeling hurt.

"No!" Dan rose his voice, "That's not what I meant! I'm sorry! Get up, I'll carry you."

"Dan you don't need to-"

"You're hurt! My life's falling apart, okay?! I might as well try to put it back together!"

"Dan, I'm sorry!"

"Shut up!"

Tears gathered under my eyes. "Just leave me! Go get Phil! Don't worry!"

"I can't do that! I can't lose anyone!"

I felt my feet leave the ground as he pulled me into his arms. I felt his heart beat quickly and his chest rise and fall as he began to run as fast as he could.

"Dan, I'm so sorry," I whispered into his chest, but he didn't hear me. I hated seeing him like this. I didn't want him to be afraid. I didn't want to be a problem to him.

We arrived at the hospital.

"What's wrong with her?" The lady at the desk asked, looking at Dan and then me.

"I'm fine.. We're here for a friend.. Phil Lester?"

The lady slowly turned pages on a clipboard. I glared at her, wanting her to find Phil faster.

"Okay, you can visit him"


Phil was up a few floors. He was sleeping. Around his eye was purple. A small trickle of blood was running down the side of his face. His cheeks were also bruised. His hair was ruffled as his head was tilted back onto a pillow. I turned to see Dan's face crumble as he looked down at his friend's condition. His eyebrows were pointed downward as if he was angry and his mouth was small and expressionless. His eyes were full of fear and hurt. He was standing so far from me. He had long let go of my hand. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was in the way. I didn't belong here. I created trouble for Dan. His friend got hurt and I had to get hurt too? It wasn't intentional, but I wish I could've avoided it. We had only been dating a few hours, and I already felt it wasn't going to work out. I just didn't belong. But it wasn't about me now. Phil better be okay. He better.

I needed to get out of the way, that's when the doctor came in, who turned to face us with a small polite smile. "Hello. You two are?"

"I'm Phil's neighbor," I answered first, knowing Dan wouldn't really want to talk right now. Unfortunately there was a shakiness in my voice I failed to cover. "And this is Dan, Phil's roommate."

Dan gave me a glance I was unsure was irritated, thankful, or just a glance of recognition but I didn't dwell on it.

"So how is he?" I asked cautiously, unsure if I wanted to know the answer.

"He's fine. He'll wake up in the morning. The biggest concern is that he got hit in the head. His skull hasn't been injured, fortunately, but he has a bit of a concussion. We'll know more about the affects of it when he wakes up. No broken bones. He'll be sore because of the bruises and maybe dizzy and tired from the concussion, but that's about it. He'll be fine. You don't have to worry."

I exhaled in relief. "Thank goodness," I said under my breath.

I looked over at Phil sleeping and felt so much better knowing he'd be okay. I then looked at the Doctor who gave a polite smile. "May I know where the restroom is?"

"The what?"

"I mean.. The toilets, sorry." You'd think I'd have the hang of that by now, but apparently not.

"Of course. They're down the hall to the left."

"Thank you," I looked at the doctor who nodded at me and left the room. For a second I stood in silence with Dan by my side... A bit way to the side. "I'll be back," I said, "I just need to wash up some."

I heard no response, so I went ahead.

The toilets were empty, which was no surprise, since it was so early in the morning. I went to the mirror and for the first time saw the blood on my face. It did look pretty bad, but honestly didn't feel bad when it happened. I was too worried about Phil, I guess.

I wadded up some toilet paper and wetted it with sink water and started washing off the scrapes. I then cleaned some ones that were on my arms from when I slid. I finally had a chance to breathe since the whole accident. I started feeling pain from the fall, and I started feeling cold since I wasn't wearing any sleeves. I had short flashbacks to all of what Dan said. I didn't blame him, but I was afraid.

I returned to Phil's hospital room. Dan was sitting in a chair now, leaning back against the wall with his legs out, but still looking uncomfortable and worried. I saw his eyes flicker to me in recognition of my presence, but then moved back to stare blankly in front of him. I walked cautiously in and sat in the other chair which was far from him.

I started feeling sleepy for the first time since the accident. My heart was still beating quicker and I was still shocked, but I was exhausted from it all. It was an uncomfortable chair that was cold and firm and stuck to my skin, but I curled up as best as I cold and closed my eyes. The room was still bright, and I began to shiver, but I managed to fade into sleep.

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