Chapter 55: Good News

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*Rachel POV*

I pretty much ran back home with the amount of happiness I had, not even caring that I was probably dying from the heat and my lungs collapsing.

I snatched my key out of my purse and instantly unlocked the door, flinging it open.

Abby looked at me with shock, sitting at the kitchen table with a book. I probably looked insane, "What's the matter with you?" She said loudly.

"I'm going back to England. My mom is going to pay for my school," I realized then how I needed to finally breathe, breathing heavily from the running and stair climbing, "But you can come if you want. I swear, it'll be great. You have a long time to decide."

She looked at me doubtfully.

"I get to see Dan and go back to London. I doubt we'll be neighbors again, but I'll still be nearby. You don't know how exciting this is."

"Oh I think I know," she laughed, examining how outspoken and crazily I was acting, which never really happened.

"Also, I have money, and need a cute dress quickly."

Abby grinned. She loves shopping. "No problemo," she said. She closed her book, the hardcover making a 'thump' sound. She pushed the chair back, and stood up, walking quickly toward me and giving me a hug.

"I'm so proud of you," she said, releasing me.

I was still smiling. I never stopped. "There's nothing to be proud of," I said honestly, "I just got lucky, really."

She laughed, "Well I'm not going to agree, so let's get going."


*Dan POV*

I felt like a boy going to his first dance. I nervously straightened my bowtie in the hotel room, which did not compare to my grand one at home. It was a short mirror in the bathroom, so whether my outfit looked good or not, I couldn't tell you.

I hoped it did, because unfortunately my hair was being rather unruly, little bits of curls refusing to be straightened. I didn't want my hair to be burnt off, so I just tried to convince it to be how I wanted, which didn't work anyway.

"Phil," I said loudly, walking out into the main room.

Phil sat up from his bed, "Yes?"

"Do I look alright?" I asked embarrassingly.

"Yes," he said.

Wait, Phil didn't understand my kind of fashion. Why was I asking him anyway?

"Uh, thanks," I said.

I went to the closet and looked inside, but then remembered it was too hot for a jacket anyways, even at night. Then I came out of the closet (shut up.). I waved at Phil. He grinned at me, squinting his eyes in a happy smile. I smiled a bit in immediate reaction, and then left the room, closing the door behind me.

I was meeting Cat and Rachel outside of the convention hall. A little bit of me was nervous. Rachel had already gone to her mother's. I was worried she would never come back. What if her mom took her back?

The walk wasn't far, and I was soon there, standing awkwardly, hoping I would get some answers soon and no one would notice me standing awkwardly here and confront me about it.

Cat's car rolled up. The windows were slightly tinted. I saw Cat in the front seat, and then I saw no one sitting next to her. Confused, I grew worrisome. Then I saw the silhouette of two figures moving in the backseat. Confused, I continued to stand there awkwardly.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now