Chapter 2: The Neighbors

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Rachel POV

Dan took off walking quickly away. I sighed, stood up and walked outside of the station up the steps. I unfolded a badly folded paper from my pocket and read the directions I had written down yesterday.

I slowly pulled my suitcase along and followed what I wrote down. I felt nervous, as I usually got lost, but I recognized street names and eventually made it to the building. Thank God.

I met the landlord and he told me the rules and walked me through the details. I spaced out through most of it, nodding. I signed papers, and he eventually left.

I collapsed on the couch as soon as he left. Finally alone. I curled into a ball and accidentally drifted into sleep quickly.

I woke to a knock at the door. So, I sleepily stumbled across the room to the door and opened it.

A tall guy with black hair and crystal blue eyes smiled down at me, "Hello," he said.

It was Phil Lester.

I couldn't breathe. "Hi," I said, unsure if it was a dream or not. I could've not actually woken up, right?

"I'm your new neighbor. My name is Phil."

"I know. I mean, hello Phil," I looked down embarrassed. I know? I didn't want to sound like a creep or an overly obsessed fangirl, but I did know him. Keep your cool, I told myself. "I know you from your videos. AmazingPhil, right?" I smiled.

"Yes! That's me! You watch my videos?" He smiled innocently and looked excited like a little puppy. His eyes lit up.

"I do," I said, grinning back at him, "That are very nice. Nice work."

"Well, thank you! I'm glad you like them," Phil said. "Well, welcome to our building! Let us know if you need anything. Us meaning Dan and I. You watch Dan's videos?"

"I do. Yes. Thank you."

"See you," I said.

"Bye!" He said. I started to close the door. "Wait! Wait! Do you want to eat dinner with Dan and I?"

"I'd love to," I said, "I mean, thank you. Didn't get much to eat on the flight. I'm so hungry."

"Right, well, we're eating at seven, okay? We're just across the hall."

"Okay," I responded, smiling up at him. "See you then."

He left and closed the door.

Oh. My. God. Dan and Phil are my neighbors.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now