Chapter 12: The Nightmare

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*Rachel POV*

I looked at my reflection. Gray oversized sweats hung on my thin short body. My feet were concealed in my old faded converse. My face was oily and my eyes are tired with defined gray circles underneath. My mouth was pouted. My hair was up in a messy bun that was positively messy and not the cute kind. I had transformed into an ugly monster. I lost my only friends in a country I was foreign to. Everyone hated me here. Ugly, they said to me, you don't deserve him. You don't deserve either of them. You're a whore who just wants to be with them for fame.

It wasn't true, was it? I wasn't pretty. I knew that. I had lost even more weight since I got here, making me look more like a twelve year old. I was maybe ugly.

But in no way did I use Dan and Phil. Maybe I knew them from YouTube. But I didn't want the fame. I didn't want the hate. I wanted to be their friend. Now I'd never have that again. They didn't want to be seen with me again. It was obvious. I was repulsive.

I stepped over old dishes, dried out pens, and crumpled pieces of paper that were spread across the floor. My life was as big of a mess as I was. I worked day and night trying my hardest on school, only to be swooped away with angry tweets which caused me to crumble into a sadness I refused to accept.

I opened the door to my flat and headed outside.

I took the stairs down to the ground floor and quickly made it to the Tube where I went only a few stops to go to the shopping center. I needed school supplies and some food. I got some odd looks while I was walking. I didn't even try to look nice. I looked like I woke up from hibernation, honestly.

As I was in line at the supply store with pens and paper in hand, I heard two girls whisper behind me:

"That girl looks a lot like that Rachel girl Dan was with. Is she...?"

"No. Well I don't know. I haven't gotten a good enough look. But don't look now!"

My ears sparked with interest. I looked forward as the line refused to move forward.

"I haven't seen them around each other at all recently."

"I know. Well she isn't that pretty and doesn't seem that special. Maybe he just went on a date with her and it didn't go well."

"Maybe. Aww then I kinda feel bad for her!"

"Yeah, but she doesn't deserve Dan. She probably did try and use them."

"Shh! What if that is her! Don't say that now!"

I but my lip nervously. The line moved forward once. I awkwardly turned around.

"Hey guys," I attempted smiling.

Their mouths dropped open and they were speechless.

"It's okay, guys. I don't bite. And it's nothing I haven't heard."

They looked ashamed. One of them said, "Are the rumors true? Are you and Dan dating."

"No, we aren't. Not at all. We just met and hung out a few times. It's no big deal at all. I haven't seen him in a couple weeks. After what happened, I don't think he wants to be around me."

They both looked down. The second girl said, "I'm so sorry."

"Can I ask you a favor?" I bit my lip and looked into their eyes with a fear of what I was going to say, "If you can, can you somehow try and make the hate slow down a bit? Don't say I said anything. I don't want the drama to start up again, and I'm sure it would with anything. It's just been difficult for me. I don't know what Dan thinks. Neither him nor Phil have said anything. Just... Please if you can."

"I'll try my best," the first girl said. "I have a pretty big fan account. I can try and influence them that the drama is getting boring."

"I don't really have a big account or anything, but I can try too. Like comment on people's things."

I smiled. "Thank you so much. You two are very nice."

They smiled back at me. "So... You're American?" One of them asked.

"Yes, I am. How did you-? Oh wait. Accent. Duh."

They both laughed. "Yeah, so why are you here in England, just out of curiosity?"

"I go to uni here in London," I smiled. "So far it's been nice enough."

"Good, but I'm sure I'd rather live in America," one girl commented.

"And vice versa for me," I laughed.

The first girl smiled at me. "I'm sorry for what I said, honest. You're way too nice to be treated so roughly. I guess we're all a bit too defensive of Dan."

I smiled, "It's alright, I guess. It'll all be over soon, the drama. No harm done."

The line moved forward and I paid for my school supplies which were neatly put in a bag for me.

"It was nice meeting you two," I turned back and waved at the girls.

They smiled and waved back.

I bought more microwaveable food from the store next door. I soon was walking out and returned back on the Tube. The rest of the trip back I went unnoticed, thankfully.

I was climbing the stairs up to where my flat was, when I heard voices.

"Phil, your shirt is on inside out," I heard a melodious laugh. Dan.

"Oh!" I heard the embarrassment in Phil's voice. "Hold on, lemme fix it!" I heard footsteps rush in.

What was I to do? Run to my flat and hope I appeared unnoticed? Stay here and bump into them on the way down?

I decided to casually walk to my flat like it was no big deal. No big deal, right?

I glued my face straightforward and tried to make my face look calm. It was embarrassing to have him see me like this, but I didn't have a choice. That's when I saw him looking at me from the corner of my eye.

We met eyes. Crap.

Our glance lasted too long to be called a glance. We were standing still looking into each other's eyes for a long time. It was a stare. His chocolate eyes looked into mine. They had an emotion I couldn't configure. Fear? Confusion? Sadness? Disgust? It looked as if it was all four at once.

I wondered what I looked like.

"What?" I asked, turning my eyes away to the side and then to the floor.

I pictured him looking away as he dimly mumbled, "Nothing."

"Okay Dan! It's not inside out now!" Phil opened the door and closed it behind him happily while speaking loudly.

I looked up as Phil's expression melted from happiness into something else as he said, "Oh."

"Yeah," I added inaudibly.

"So uh hey Rachel! How's-"

"Phil, we need to go," Dan gave him a look.

"Right. Bye," Phil said to me with a bit of concern in his eyes. The two turned away and walked down the stairs.

I sighed for a minute and entered my flat.

I fell on the couch for a second and looked at the ceiling.

It was true. I had practically been rejected by Dan and Phil. They didn't want to be around me. Meeting them was a dream. Now my life was a nightmare.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. I've rewritten this chapter several times trying to get it right. It's still "just okay" to me right now. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted me to write messages at the end of chapters like this. I want to hear from you! Please comment if you'd like and give me feedback if you can. Thank you!

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now