Chapter 48: Departure

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*Rachel POV*

My heart beat extremely fast and I felt my cold hand uncomfortably in Dan's. This was the end, my mind kept repeating, even though I told it to shut up.

The tube was full of chattering people, but Dan, Phil, and I couldn't do anything but sit quietly and think.

Heathrow airport was the next stop. We made our way near the doorway and held onto a pole to prevent completely falling over at the stop of the train.

The train stopped just at that thought. Everything was happening so quickly. I looked up at Dan, who met my expression with his distressed one.

I felt my hand tremble on the handle of my suitcase. I clenched it tightly, feeling my hand suffer from the strong grip. We left the Tube.


We were as far into the airport that they could be with me.

"I don't want to leave," I said under my breath.

"I don't want you to leave either," Dan replied.

"I'm so, so sorry, Dan."

"It's not your fault."

"I'll miss you," Phil admitted from behind me.

"I'll miss you too, Phil," I tried to smile, but I'm not sure I even managed.

We all hugged each other in an awkward group hug. I shook nervously, and I felt my tears gather in my eyes. I was terrified.

"I don't care who sees us together here," Dan said, "I'm going to kiss you. Whoever sees us and starts riots in the phandom will be starting riots for a reason I won't regret."

"Are you sure?" I questioned.


Dan bent down and kissed me. It seemed to last much longer than any kiss I had ever had with him, but it wasn't. Maybe it was just that much more special.

"Goodbye, Dan. You too Phil," my voice wavered uneasily.

It took everything in me to walk away.


*Dan POV*

I just kept staring at her as she walked away. It took everything in me to not run after her and try and make her come back. But I knew not a word I could say would change the fact that she had to leave.

"Dan, I'm sorry," Phil said.

"It's alright. Me too," I spoke lowly.

I turned around to walk away, completely done with today.

The exit of the airport was blocked by about eight fangirls who were looking at me strangely. I assumed they gathered, seeing the kiss. Whatever.

I took pictures with them all, acting nice as possible even though I was in the worst possible mood.


*Rachel POV*

The flight wasn't my favorite thing. I just wanted to break down into tears, but instead I had a happy couple next to me on my right, who told me all about their honeymoon. Every time they smiled at each other or kissed I felt like throwing up on the floor. After a while I put my headphones in and stared out the window. At least I got the window seat.

The music filled me with memories, of my stay in England or even before. It was triggering, because right now I wanted to honestly think about absolutely nothing or wake up and it all be a dream. But music beat listening to the lip smacking noises of the couple next to me.

I remembered more and more memories of Dan and I as the songs played on.

I eventually started crying. Silently, loudly, I didn't care, I couldn't help it. I stared down at the clouds underneath the plane zooming by. How much I wished I could run along the clouds back to Dan and Phil. How much I wished this plane ride wasn't reality. Somewhere along the way, I fell asleep.


*Dan POV*

After laying face down on the floor for approximately three hours, I went on Tumblr.

Pictures of Rachel and I kissing popped up everywhere, where I was tagged about a million times with various "?!?!?!" and "I KNEW IT" and "PROOF" and "#ran". Instead of being upset, like I would've a long time ago, I just smiled. I love seeing her with me like that. It made me sad. It was over. But at the same time, I was in love with seeing such a perfect picture.

I went to YouTube, where the privated, already edited and uploaded video of my confession to being with Rachel was.

I made it public.

I knew that this wasn't the end. I believed in her more than anything.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now