Chapter 9: Messages

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*Rachel POV*

As soon as I got home, I dropped all the bags down on the floor in front of the door, various things spilling out of them as they tumbled over. I reached my legs over them uncomfortably and jumped across the river of items. I immediately headed to the couch. I practically fell into the it, making it scoot backwards a bit. My knees bumped into the coffee table. I sunk into pillows like quicksand. Home at last.

I slipped my phone out of my pocket, which was way too small for any kind of phone. Pressing on the top button, the screen lit up to reveal a lot of Facebook updates.

I first opened up Facebook. Most updates were likes of my new posts. Then I tapped to reveal a lot of comments under it.

'Glad things are going well' was commented by a friend I had once been close to.

'I'm happy to hear everything's going nicely. Please call me soon, sweetie!' was commented by my mother.

'What? Why are you in London?' commented one of my friend's friend who I had talked to maybe once at a birthday party who friended me on Facebook.

'Omg!!! I'm so happy for you <3 Text me when you can.' was commented by my most closest friend.

'You are growing into a beautiful young woman. I am proud of your accomplishments.' was commented by my grandmother.

I immediately went my phone and texted my best friend, Abby saying:

This is my number. Oh this is Rachel btw lol -Rachel

My phone buzzed in my hand:

Aaah! Hi! How's London? -Abby

I responded immediately:

It's pretty great! I've already gotten lost though xD -R

Of course you did lol what a loser -A

Whatever, man :P -R

Hold on, I gotta call my mom. I think she's mad that she hasn't heard from me yet -R

Ooh ouch good luck -A

I started dialing my mom's number and her name came up on my contacts. I tapped her name. The phone rung. And rung. I could picture my mom there running to the phone. She never kept it nearby. It was always across the house in the bottom of a huge purse. I always told her mobile phones were mobile for a reason.

She picked up.


"Hello. It's Rachel."

"Rachel! It's so nice to hear from you! Why haven't you called me already?"

"I had to get a new phone," I explained, "and set it up and go home."

"Yeah, but you should've gotten one earlier. I didn't know what was happening to you! You could've been in Germany for all I know."

"I'm sorry, mom," I said although she was honestly overreacting.

"You're forgiven. So how is it? As good as you've pictured it?"

"I've only been here for so long," I laughed slightly. "But it's beautiful, mom. And I've met a few people. That is, my neighbors, two guys who live in a flat across the hall."

"Two guys?" She said, ignoring my part about the city.

"Yes," I replied.

"Hm. Are they nice?"

"They seem to be."

"That's good. And friendly? Are you guys friends?"

"Well I hardly know them yet, but I bet they are potential friends."

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now