Chapter 15: Uni Friends

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*Rachel POV*

Being social wasn't easy, especially if you were me. Uni had been a little over a month in and I hadn't made any actual friends. I always smiled at people, and people seemed amused when I talked with my American accent, but that was about it.

I walked up the street with a black umbrella over my head. It was Dan's umbrella. He refused to let me buy one with my own money and instead offered me his umbrella. "I really don't go outside anyway," he said with a sideways smile, dimples forming on his cheeks. Puddles gathered on the pavement as I stepped forward in my boots, splashing awkwardly loudly even though I hardly stepped in them at all. I was wrapped in sweaters as always, with a scarf around my knock and my hair up in a bun.

I walked into someone. The collision was awkward as I felt a sweater in my face. My eyes widened. I sprung back immediately, where I slipped and fell backwards onto my butt.

A tall male with light brown hair and turquoise eyes turned and then looked down confusedly at me.

I felt my face grow hot out of embarrassment as I looked at the situation out of the horror that I just created.

"I'm so sorry!" I managed to say.

Rain trickled on my umbrella. The male offered me his hand and laughed lightly at me, "Pretty clumsy, aren't you?"

I smiled sheepishly and took his hand and got to my feet, "Very. I wasn't even looking ahead, so I bumped into you. I was looking down.. For uh, I mean, to not want to trip. To avoid tripping."

He laughed playfully and I shyly laughed with him, still feeling the embarrassment of what happened.

"What are we to do with you?" He smiled, "My name's Michael, but please call me Mike."

"Nice to meet you, Mike. I'm Rachel," I smiled back at him politely. He put his hand out and we shook hands.

"Where are you from?" Mike asked, "You don't sound like you're from here."

"California," I responded, a bit tired from hearing that question every time I talked to someone new, "I go to Uni just down the street."

"Well that explains it," he smiled, "I heard California's nice. I want to go there one day."

"It's alright," I said as I always did. I honestly didn't like California, but it wasn't because of the reasons I usually gave - traffic, rude people, boring weather. I had bad memories there. England was away from them, and it was good to be away. I hadn't talked or thought about those problems for a while.

Mike smiled, "Well, I ought to go. I have an 8 o'clock class."

"I do too. Is it late already?" I worried, but didn't want to bring my phone out into the wet weather.

"Afraid so," he checked a watch on his arm, "and Literature classes are always dead boring."

"I disagree. But an 8 o'clock literature class? You don't happen to be in Mrs. Fe-"

"I am actually. Didn't know we were classmates."

"Me neither."

"Well, I've got to get on," he turned, "or I'll be late. I suggest you do the same."

"Of course, I will."

Class wasn't far so I made it on time. Walking quickly, it was a miracle that I didn't slip and fall again. I left my umbrella outside and wiped my boots on the mat outside. I walked in where the class was chattering amongst themselves in a purr of voices. We all had our usual seats to sit in, so I took my usual seat which was left empty.

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