Chapter 30: Date

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*Rachel POV*
I woke up, feeling a bit stiff, but extremely nice. I looked forward, seeing the TV stand in front of my view. I fell asleep on the couch? Then I felt that something was wrapped around me. Okay, now I'm confused. I tried to turn completely around, but found myself hardly able to do so, because there was a person behind me. It took a long time to notice the person, since I was so tired, but once I saw Dan completely asleep, I smiled and felt completely happy, something that was rare for mornings. I don't think I would ever be able to be used to Dan and Phil being my neighbors, and especially not Dan feeling about me this way.
In reaction to my turning around, I saw Dan's face turn into an uncomfortable look and then he opened his eyes, gazing in front of him sleepily. I saw him look into my eyes and then smile, "Good morning," he croaked, his voice still not awake.
"Good morning, Dan," I replied.
"Say, what time is it?" Dan questioned.
8:00. I knew that was early for him. I was used to sleep deprivation with school and all, though, and couldn't ever sleep past eight, no matter how late I went to sleep.
"It's only eight."
Dan groaned, "Why are you awake so damn early?"
"School has made me seen the tortures of morning," I responded jokingly, but with some honest truth in it.
"Mmmm," Dan hummed sleepily, "Would you care to sleep with me more? I have a plan for what we could do today but it's not quite today yet."
"Yes, I'd love to," I leaned my face against his chest and he wrapped his arm around my back.
I woke to the sound of clattering plates. I realized Dan was gone, and I wondered how I didn't wake up when he moved, but I shrugged it off. I sleepily rolled over and mentally prepared to get up. I managed, clumsily walking on my feet.
Dan was at the kitchen table, putting bowls at two places of the table. He was still dressed in last night's clothes, and his hobbit hair was to the extreme. He was so adorable. "Good morning again," he said, cracking a smile.
"Good mawring," I yawned halfway through the sentence.
"Here we have a nice delectable cereal feast," Dan laughed, "I'm no cook, and apparently you aren't either... Is cereal all you eat?"
"Pretty much. I'm too lazy to shop for normal people food."
"That's so sad," he laughed.
I laughed with him, but was still waking up, so I sounded kinda awkward.
I sat across the table from him.
We began eating cereal. "So I was wondering," he began, "if you'd like to go on a date with me today."
"What do you mean 'date'? Like what would we be going to?"
"Your choice."
"Oh jeez, that's a lot of pressure."
"Is that a yes?"
"Of course I'd like to go on a date with you, Dan. In fact, I'm shocked you're even still with me today. You've seen the worst parts of me. Dates could give me some time to convince you that I'm a completely sane person who is actually nice to be around sometimes."
Dan smiled, "I'm sure you are. I don't need convincing."
"Jeez I was trying to be cute, man." The sassy morning Rachel was here.
"Okay, okay," Dan laughed. "You're adorable, I got it. Where do you wanna go?"
"The first thing you're gonna learn, if you haven't already: I'm a pretty simple person. Please don't take me anywhere fancy. Not yet, anyway. How about a coffee shop? Or go to lunch somewhere nice?"
"Sounds great," he said.
By this time we finished eating our breakfasts. We piled dishes in the sink, promising to clean them later.
"How about I get ready here and you can go home and get ready yourself?"
"Alright. Got it," Dan walked away, waving on the way out.
*Dan POV*
I was ready pretty quickly. It took a long time to straighten my hair though. I felt a little bit embarrassed Rachel had to see me that way again. Other than that, I used dry hair shampoo and just threw on some black clothes as usual.
After that, I sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on. The channel that came on was a cooking channel. I didn't really care what was on, so I just watched the screen amused at it all.
"Rawr," I heard from behind me. I turned, confused, and saw Phil making fake claws with his hands.
I laughed, "Really, Phil? That was not even scary."
"One day, Dan, one day," he said in a voice that was supposed to sound scary.
"Where are you going?" Phil asked, obviously seeing I was dressed up some.
"I'm taking Rachel to lunch," I said simply. "Kind of a date thing."
"Oh, okay. Have fun!"
"Thanks, Phil."
I watched him as he walked into the kitchen in his colourful pyjama pants.
My phone buzzed and I unlocked it.
I'm ready to depart for our journey -Rachel
I laughed and responded:
Alrighty, lassie -Dan
Aye, aye, cap'n -R
I cracked a smile. I slid my phone in my pocket and walked out the door and across the hall.
I knocked on the door three times, the simple knock I always did.
She opened the door, and smiled brightly at me so that her eyes narrowed with the grin.
She looked amazing. She wore a short black dress with long sleeves with a little collar thing. I didn't know what it was called but it looked nice. I felt underdressed somehow.
"Is something wrong?" Her expression grew worried.
"No, no. You just look so nice... I feel not nice looking enough."
She laughed.
"What? I mean it."
"Well you're so wrong."
"Don't argue with me, hottest lad of 2012. Or must I tweet what you said to your fans?"
"Oh God, no."
"I win," she smiled proud of herself.
"Fine," I gave in, trying to sound mad in the fake funny way, but I wasn't mad at all. I smiled.
"Where are we going?" She asked as we stepped down the stairs one by one.
"Well, what food do you like other than cereal?" I joked.
She laughed, "Many things, actually. Italian, Chinese, sandwiches, soups, salads.. I like a lot of snacky things too. Like those little sweet pastry things you eat with tea? Scones, etc. The things that are the most horrible for you but actually taste really good. You know what I mean?"
"Snacky things? So like a coffee shop? Starbucks?"
"Yeah! Except I go to Starbucks all the time. Something like it? It's just I wanna go somewhere that's a coffee or tea place that isn't in America? Do I sound picky? I'm not trying to. Ugh, okay. Do you get what I'm trying to mean?" She looked slightly stressed.
"Shh, I've got this. And no you aren't picky, you're dating me."
"Must I tweet your fans?"
"Oh, God no. Okay I take it back," I laughed. "There's a lovely tea shop down the street not far from here. I'll take you there. You like tea?"
She raised her eyebrows at me and smiled, "Really? You know how often I drink tea."
"More than the average English person, I know. You're such a traitor of your country. How have you not been put to death?" I joked.
She whispered in a strange voice, "I can't escape the freedom."
"You know my videos more than me," I said impressed.
"Yeah, disturbingly so."
"No, wonderfully so."
"'Kay," she smiled and left it at that.
We arrived at the tea shop. It was a small place, but it had great business. There was a line out the door as always, but it shortened quickly. I mean, when all you have to do is give hot water and dunk a teabag in it and maybe give a biscuit or two, what would take much time anyway?
Soon the line shortened, and so we went inside.
"Wow," she said, "it's really pretty in here."
I looked around, never really noticing the shop's appearance. It looked normal to me.
"I guess?"
"Well, it's better than most restaurants and shops back home. Buildings aren't built for appearance much anymore, you know? It's just 'We need a building for our thing. Make it.' you know? Those are the types of buildings I see everyday."
"I never really thought about it that way," I said, wondering aloud.
She smiled.
We ordered the same kind of tea - just basic breakfast tea. I never knew we had the same favourite type.
Unlike the many people who took their tea and went, we sat at a little table inside, right next to the window which overlooked the street. When we sat down, we had to squint at each other. Maybe sitting by the window wasn't the best idea. I asked her if she wanted to move seats, but she shook her head and said she was too lazy to move and that the light wasn't too horrible. I agreed in my head.
She was blowing on her tea when I asked her, "So how long have you been a fan of me? Just wondering."
She laughed, "That's not a normal first date question, but okay. Late 2012."
"First video?"
"What Not To Do At The Beach, why?"
"Okay. And I wanted to know what your first impression of me was, I guess. You got to know the first moment I saw you, but I have no idea what I came across as."
"Well, if I'm in this tea shop with you, I'd say it was pretty good," she smiled.
"You must've thought I was a prick."
"I thought you were funny," she laughed. "You don't give yourself enough credit, at all. Someday I'll tweet your fans."
I pouted in response. "Okay, time to change to subject. What's your family like?"
"Hmm.. Normal? I guess. But not very. My dad's a psychologist slash therapist. So while most dads read sports news, my dad was reading a book with a strange title like 'The Unheard Scream'. I'd always ask him what it was about. Psychology is fascinating, but it's fun to poke fun at sometimes, like those book titles, oh my God.
My mom? She's nice unless you did something wrong. She's like most moms, I guess. Kinda strict. I couldn't wear a tank top without her telling me I looked like a whore. Eh, whatever. We really liked watching shows together, though. And going shopping. My brother is kinda clueless, but he has gotten better now that he's married. He's a bit stubborn. But he's really nice to all people always. Except to me. He really irritates me sometimes. But siblings, you know?"
I laughed, "They sound like a fine group of people."
"They are," she nodded.
I smiled. She asked some questions to me in return. We actually ended up having a lot of things in common. She was a truly interesting person. Of course I already knew that, but she was even more interesting now that I knew more about her. I was glad she was mine, and I hoped I wouldn't do anything to screw it up.
I walked her home eventually. It started raining on the way, because England. Luckily, I brought my umbrella. We walked together under it again, like when we went to breakfast a long time ago.
I plopped down on the couch, smiling.
"How was your day?" Phil asked, next to me on the couch still in pyjama pants.
"Great," I said.
My phone vibrated:
The ship has sailed, cap'n -Rachel
I laughed.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now