Chapter 54: Renewed

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*Rachel POV*

I walked slowly, as if that would somehow make it so I didn't have to go to my mother's house. I twirled my fingers together anxiously, one of my million bad habits.

When I got to the door, I just stared at it, feeling my stomach drop to the floor, and then my throat tighten. A million of memories were created at this house, and not a single one did I want to remember.

It took everything in me to stay put. My whole body started to tremble. I put my hand on the wall to keep myself steady, and then with the other hand, I rang the doorbell.

It took a few seconds to hear footsteps, but once I heard them, they echoed in my mind. My body went cold.

She opened the door, looking much the same as she ever looked, looking at me with a sort of narrowing of her eyes as if she instantly disapproved of me. "What are you doing?" She greeted me.

I felt myself become less tense. Oddly, her familiarness made me strangely calmer.

"Come inside," she crowed.

I followed her inside, and she shut the door behind us. I walked straight through the entryway to the kitchen table, the place we always talked about things, taking the seat I always sat at from the ages two to eighteen.

She sat across the table, her usual seat.

There was a moment of silence.

"So you wanted to talk to me today. Why?" She crossed her arms.

I swallowed and prepared everything I could so I could say what was on my mind.

"I know you put that letter in my mailbox," I said as bravely as I could, "I know your handwriting."

She stood up, getting out of her chair, and put her hands on the back it, gripping onto the wood.

"So why did you do it?" I made myself look up staring at her eyes.

She faced her head to the side, "Because there's no point in trying to make you do what I want you to do anymore. You've proved your ability."

I didn't speak, not understanding what she meant or how I could respond to it.

She saw my position, and continued speaking, "If you're going to be successful, I know that you'll only do it your own way. And I want you to succeed."

"Are you telling me you were wrong?" I asked cautiously, baffled at her words.

"I won't go that far," she said flatly, "But I will say that you are right. I've watched you in the past months, working your job, saving money. You aren't lazy. You are determined. And I'd like to give you what I can to help you succeed."

My ears shot up. I could not believe what she was saying. But I looked at her face just then, and realized that she meant it. She was genuinely offering me opportunities.

"I'd like to go back to college. I know I can do it. Now that it's something I want, I'll do it. I was a year ahead... They'll take me back, won't they? I had grades."

"I'm sure they will, and they might even let you stay for the rest of university, permanently at their school, not just for a year."

My eyes lit up. "Yes!" I instantly said. "There's nothing else I want more."

"But what about your friend?"

"I'll ask her if she wants to come too. I'm sure I'll have enough scholarships for afford her, right? I hope she can come."

My mother smiled, for the first time in a long time. She then came over to me and gave me a hug. I felt myself struggle through it, but I was glad.

"Your boyfriend is also not the ideal guy I wanted for you, but Dan's a nice guy. Good luck with him."

I smiled, and we stopped hugging. "Thanks, I will. Actually, I'm going to a dance with him tonight."

"Wait," she said.

I looked at her curiously as she quickly rushed across the house out of sight and back into sight. She handed me two bills. I looked at them closely. Two. Hundred. Dollars.

"Go buy yourself something nice to wear. Blow his mind."

I wanted to scream I was so happy. I involuntarily hugged her. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you."

We let go of each other, and then hugged back again, to say goodbye.

"Thank you, mom," I said, feeling myself tear up a bit.

"Anytime. Visit anytime."

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