Chapter 31: Upload and Collab

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*Rachel POV*

"Are you sure I should upload this?" I nervously tapped my fingers on my laptop.

"Yes, of course you should!" Dan said for the millionth time, starting to get a sarcastic annoyance in his voice.

"But... What if no one likes it? What if I'm annoying?" I felt a hole in the pit of my stomach, "What if everyone hates me?"

"It's not going to happen," Dan laughed, "I like you."

I felt my cheeks grow warm, and I gave Dan and little side hug on the couch in thanks, but that happiness didn't last for long. I was super nervous.

"You know, what if people hate you?"

"What?" I asked, bewildered and not sure what he was trying to get at.

"Yeah. I mean, it could happen. But you'll never know unless you upload, will you?"

I gulped, "You're right. That's not very... Reassuring," I laughed, "but that's true." I paused, and felt myself hold my breath as I clicked my mouse over the "upload" button. "And so begins my shame."

Dan laughed as the video popped up on the screen, completely available for anyone on the Internet to see. "You're so wrong." He pulled me back to my surprise, where I practically flinched, onto his lap. I relaxed and leaned up against him as he rested his chin gently on the top of my head. He put his lips by my ear and whispered, "Are you going to tweet it?"

I laughed and left his lap, "This is sabotage. And bribery."

"Shh, you know I love you."

I rolled my eyes sarcastically, causing him to crack a smile. I then gulped and said seriously, "I don't know if I can. I wouldn't know what to say."

"Let me do it then," he said, making a 'give me' movement with his hand, looking at my laptop. I slid it over to him.

"Okay, but make sure it sounds like me, okay?"

"Big words, nice grammar, okay," he smiled over at me.

I smiled back.

He tweeted the tweet and I instantly got a lot of favorites and retweets from the Dangirls that literally stalked me. I felt myself playing with my hands nervously. Dan quickly noticed and took one of my hands so that I wouldn't worry too much. I felt bad for him, though. My hands were all sweaty from the panic. He didn't mention it though.

I leaned back against the couch and closed my eyes. Soon I heard quick tapping sounds on my keyboard.

My eyes flicked open. "What are you doing?" I panicked.

"Check your phone."

I immediately opened up my phone, seeing the tweet notification from Danisnotonfire:

years ago phil helped encourage me to join youtube and today I encouraged my neighbour to make a video I feel so old please watch it

"Dan! You didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

Tweets spammed on my tweet as well as his.

On mine:
It was so good!
You're so cute D: :D

On his:
Don't ship it
Not sure if Phan or Ran...?
Are you guys dating
It was a good video!
This tweet I can't

I smiled.

"See it's okay. Told you so."

"Thank you, Dan," I said, but only feeling twenty percent more relieved.


*Dan POV*

Rachel smiled, but still looked a bit nervous. I wondered what could make her feel better.

"Hey so this might be a crazy YouTube filled day, but want to do a collab?"

She smiled slightly, "But won't that be too early? Or too obviously a ship?"

"I'm the Internet Cult Leader," I smiled, "I can do what I want. And people already ship us. So it doesn't matter."

"You're right," she smiled. I stood up and she did too.

"I'll edit it."

"What an offer!" She said jokingly.

I pulled her into a hug, wrapping my hands around her waist shortly.


"Hey Internet!" I said my usual line into the camera. "The title of this video makes it pretty obvious what it's about so I don't even really need to introduce what it's all about. But please welcome my friend and neighbour, Rachel!"

Rachel ran into the camera shot and sat on my bed, running completely into me. "H-hi!" She said out of the shock of our collision.

"Jeez, violence will not be tolerated on this channel."

"I tried to be cool, I dunno," she looked at me and smile.

"Violence is never the answer," I shook my head jokingly, trying to look sad, only to look up and grin at the camera. "So," I continued, "being new to YouTube, we both asked you Twitter people to briefly as Rachel some questions."

"Yup. So now Dan can completely realise how much of a noob I am."

"Okay, newbie. Let's get started. The first question is: 'Why did you start YouTube?'"

"Wow," she laughed, "I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing someone's asking me that... Well, I've watched YouTubers forever." She began to walk away from sitting next to me to whisper into the camera, "I'm basically a freakish fangirl in secret."

I made a sarcastic disturbed face at her, "I heard that."

"You heard nothing," she made an evil face at the camera. "ANYWAY... I thought all the YouTubers I watched looked like they were having so much fun and I thought it would be enjoyable to do. I was afraid afraid to upload, but Dan convinced me." Once she finished she looked at me.

"That's just how it happened," I looked at the camera, "I have nothing to say. OKAY NEXT QUESTION: 'How did you meet Dan' and also, the writer added a lot of smiley emojis."

"Well here's my smiling face in response to your emojis," she said, making multiple different faces in return. "And I was moving here for university and I ended up being Dan and Phil's neighbour. I actually saw Dan on the Tube and then Phil knocked on the door to my flat and I was like 'this can't be happening'. I told you I was a fangirl."


The questions were answered, and we ended the video.

When Rachel checked back on her laptop, she had over 5,000 views.

She basically freaked out and started dancing around my flat. I smiled and remembered when I first got a lot of views.

The rest of the day I spent editing while she leaned up against me on her phone.

It was perfect.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now