Chapter 6: Lost in London

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Rachel POV

I woke at 8 AM, having no idea when I had fallen asleep that night. I was on the couch, obviously, as the bed had no sheets or anything yet. The flat was very barren with minimal furniture. Today I had to go shopping for some things to complete it, along with some other things I had to settle, like getting an English phone number. It was going to be a long day of shopping. I looked over at a piece of paper on the coffee table and picked it up to see what it was. It was Dan and Phil's numbers. I smiled, and put it back.

I managed to get off of the couch by stiffly planting my feet to the ground and forcing myself onto them. It absolutely didn't feel like morning. I walked zombie-like to my suitcase, where I shuffled through some clothes and eventually grabbed something that seemed to work.

Blue skinny jeans, a tank top, and a hoodie with converse was what I chose. It wasn't fancy, but I felt tired and lazy. The windows were open, but instead of closing them, I decided to crouch low and below the couch to change. I then lifelessly walked into the bathroom and applied minimal makeup from my bag. I wore just enough to make sure I looked less tired but not so much that I looked like Kim Kardashian. I kept it simple. Concealer and a bit of mascara was all I needed.

I made sure to bring money with me. I always somehow forgot to bring money when I was going shopping, but remembered it when I had nothing to buy. I also put Dan and Phil's scrap paper with their numbers on it into my purse.

I left my flat, locking the door behind me and then putting the key in my purse.

Across the hall I could hear someone singing. It sounded like Phil. I smiled, laughed under my breath and continued on.

Down the stairs and out the building, I headed to the tube station. Then, I found myself shortly at a shopping center.

I first went to Starbucks, where I got a tea to wake me up. Earl Grey tea was my favorite and had always been. But as soon as I got it, it was too hot and I accidentally burned my tongue.

I left and continued on.

I first went to the Apple Store, where I asked them what I could do in the way of changing my account. In the end, I had to buy a new phone and get on a new plan. It was a good thing I brought a credit card with me.

Then I went to a furniture store where I bought a comfy duvet cover. I bought some cooking pans and some food, and other necessities from other stores. I had full bags on both arms. I walked out of the shopping center, checking a clock on the wall on the way out. It was only 12 pm! I made good time! I honestly thought I would've been there much longer.

I turned right out of the shopping center and continued forward, thinking about all the unpacking and everything I needed to do. I then slipped my phone out of the bag and opened it from the box. It was a pink iPhone 5c. It was so new clean. It smelled of plastic. I slipped the plastic covering off of it and turned it on. Then, I looked up from my phone only to realize I had no idea where I was.

I panicked. Had I walked too far? Did I turn the wrong way? I didn't know where to go. Once my iPhone was on, I knew what to do.

I opened up the folded scrap of paper and called Phil's number.

It rang.

And rang.

And rang.

"Hello! It's Phil! Please leave a message after the tone! Bye!"

I hung up.

I called Dan.

It rang.

"Hello?" He said lifelessly.

"Dan, it's me, Rachel."

"Rachel? What's up?"

"Well I got an English phone number, as you can see. And I bought a lot of things."


"Well also... This is kinda really embarrassing, but I think I'm lost." I gulped and felt my face grow hot. I had to call a famous YouTubes to rescue me from getting lost in town. I must've sounded so desperate.

He sighed, and then I could almost hear him smile over the phone. "Just give me a second. Where were you shopping?"

I told him the name of the shopping center.

"I'll be right there."

"Thanks Dan. And sorry for the trouble."

"It's fine. Just stay where you are and I'll see you soon."

He hung up.

My Neighbors the YouTubers (A danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now