Chapter 51: Cause & Effect

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Dylan's POV

"Team Arrow..." I heard Felicity say as we came back through a Breach. "Team Legends..." I jumped in excitement, she was calling out all the super teams.

"Nate and Amya are watching the waverider. The Newbies" I saw a woman standing between a bunch of super cool people.

These were the time travelers? So cool!

I'm have a freaking Nerd Panic Attack!

"By the way, that was cool" I turned to Supergirl as she commented on the breach in a rush. "I know right?!" I laughed with a giddy expression.

That's when everyone noticed us, "Guys...Thanks for coming" Barry walked to the team's as Cisco, Kara and I walked to Team Flash.

"Barry, I thought you were bringing an alien?" Is that somewhat racist? I mean, he is judging Kara based on looks...

Can he even be racist to an alien?... Imma say yes but I'll ask Kara about it later.

"Yea-uh... We did. Everybody this is my friend, Kara Danvers, or as she's known on her Earth, Supergirl" Barry explained.

The African American male on Team Legends gained a smug grin. "What makes her so super?"

"Oh, just you wait" I chuckled under my breath, wanting to see more of her Superpowers.

"Well" The Scarlet Speedster of this Earth gestured to Kara and she levitated into the air and shot freakin' lasers out of her eyes.

"I'm convinced" I laughed at Diggle's spaced out expression. He was absolutely on the brink of a mental breakdown.

"Best team-up Ever!" Felicity cheered like a nerd.

Supergirl then went through the basics as she walked up to the teams.

"Okay, I think I have this. Oliver"

"Green Arrow"

"Dig" Kara moved on. "Spartan" He replied. "Thea"

Oliver's sister nodded, "Speedy"

Kara pumped her fists in self triumph. "Okay..." She whispered.


"White Canary" Sara said.

Man, she knows them better than I do. I'm learning the names as she goes on. "Jax and Professor Stein"

"Firestorm" They said in unison.

"Uh Ray"

A tall dude looked up and awkwardly answered. "Palmer, The Atom" He answered, realising it was his turn. "And Mick"

A bald dude with a shaggy look hummed while taking a bite out of-


I could go for a pizza...

"Oh, Heatwave" Mick answered with a mouthful. Supergirl turned around quickly and ran up to us. "And Iris, Caitlin, Felicity and..." She saw me standing by them looking up stuff on the computer.

I was trying to my find my dimensional frequency. "Of course, Dylan"

"Hello!" I smiled like a little kid. "Whoo!" Felicity cheered. "Yes..." Kara was pumped. "And you have cold power but can't use them?"

Caitlin uncomfortably nodded. "You have powers?" Felicity questioned. "Its a long story" She replied as Felicity glanced at me with a furious expression. I shrugged as it wasn't my business.

"Oh Barry? Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow?" Iris wondered. "Yeah"

"Oh my God, he just go so much hotter" Her words got my attention as I looked at Oliver.

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