Chapter 78: My Responsibility

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Credit To Artist

Also, I'm curious. Do you guys miss the pictures and gifs I placed or would y'all prefer if they returned? Just wondering, I want you guys to have the most enjoyable experience possible...

If so, I might edit the previous chapters that are without. Only if you guys want.

Dylan Xander's POV

My finger were held an inch from the answer call button, the prolonged hesitation filled me with dissonance.

My instincts were screaming for me to answer but everything else wanted to leave it be.

It wasn't my business... I tried to convince myself but something deep within kept prying at the wall I had built.

Voices came rushing into my head, all my doubt and anguish... It pulled me away, pleading for me to give up but...

John, my Mother, my friends, Katsuki... Their words overlapped each other. The noise became unbearable as I choked on air.

The air wobbled around me like an illusion, a haze that hung over my head.

Run away... A voice whispered, dragging me down...

You give me hope... Another voice countered, pulling me up...

I hesitated as the TV continued to grow frantic, the call was still coming through as my thumb twitched.

The noise, the pressure weighed me down, crushing me. Drowning me...

I wanted to scream, I needed to breathe. My eyes closed, pulling me into pitch darkness.

And I couldn't hold it in anymore...

I finally screamed, I think...

When I opened my eyes, I saw a vibrant glow. It flickered, dancing across the room.

The buzz from my speed lifted the weight, it was brief but calming. Time lagged, seconds became minutes and minutes, hours.

My eyes found John, Kiddo, you have a power greater than your speed... You have heart, it reminds me of your Mom...

I slowly blinked, remembering a time before Japan, before the Particle Accelerator.

It was a blissful day with my Mom and Dad, I couldn't have been any older than eight.

It was a normal day, just us... I remember us being happy, full of life.

Soon, another voice breached the noise. It was my Mother's voice but it wasn't her speaking.

You're Pursuit, no matter how many times you fall, or how many times you stumble... The Speedforce said they believed in me, that I was a beacon but I want to be a beacon.

It doesn't matter if you lose you way or how many times you get knocked down. All that matters is whether or not you take the hit and get back up...

John, even when you're unconscious, you give me hope...

Electricity danced along my skin, firing outwards.

You are Pursuit...

I am Pursuit...

My phone suddenly fell onto the mattress of the hospital bed as I let go. A deep breath filled my lungs as I opened my eyes once more.

Standing from the seat, my lightning burst free. Ready to carry me...

My vision found John, the TV, my descending phone...

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