Chapter 12: Behind The Scenes

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I was abruptly woken up by Rien running into my room in excitement. My messy hair was everywhere as my extremely fast brain was still processing what was happening.

Rien jumped on my bed with a bubbly smile. "What are you doing?..." I grumbled as I rubbed my eyes.

I had a long night...

Stopping three car chases, one robbery, mobile heist, grand theft bicycle, a shooting, a quirk user that had explosive bubblegum... That took forever to clean out last night, I also saved people from a burning building... All while working my first shift at the Precinct.

What would I do without my powers?...

"Come on!" Rien said as she nudged my shoulder with her fist. "Today is the Sport's Festival..." then it hit me.

"And I said I would be there to watch you and the group perform... I totally forgot" I muttered with a tired sigh. "God... You are such a forgetful nerd..." her hand was placed on my shoulder and she grinned as she looked into my sky blue eyes. "But a lovable one at that"

Rien jumped off my bed and walked to the bed, "Is that your way of sweet talking me to watch you?" I absentmindedly said with sarcasm. "No... You're going because Bakugo is there~"

I fell back throwing my pillow in my face, groaning into it. "It isn't like that!" I shouted but it was muffled.

She walked away laughing...

I closed the door to my room, looking around. Using my speed to get dressed, clean up and fit my hair. It needed a cut...


We walked to U.A, I walked inside with Rien, she said it would be okay. So... I just went with it. As we walked inside, I saw multiple students look at us with odd gazes.

"Everybody is staring at us..." I whispered. She smirked, "Whatever... Anyway... Have you heard about the blur?! He is a person who has been stopping crime around the city in a blink of an eye"

I smirked at her, "I've heard about him because that is always brought up in our conversations. Besides, how do you know it's a guy? They could be a she" I acted oblivious.

She rolled her eyes, "Trust me... They're a he. My intuition is tingling" Rien said with a mysterious tone. "Last time that tingled, I got covered in possible radioactive goo. Luckily it was harmless..."

Rien huffed, "That was one time! Besides, I've been subjected to many of your mistakes" she retorted with sass.

"Failed Dumplings are completely different than radioactive goo!" I playfully argued back.

"There they go! Acting like an old married couple once again!" We turned up see Mina in her school uniform, a cheeky smile on her face.

I looked behind her to see Bakugo walking toward us with Kirishima's arm wrapped around his shoulder. He was scowling in our direction, almost through Rien.

My eyes averted from his direction and everything seemed to slow down. The sunlight reflected through his ash-blonde locks, illuminating his face.

I cleared my throat and everything returned to normal and I took a deep breath. "What the hell are you doing here?" Bakugo asked me with his bored expression.

"Well... I'm here for the Festival and I'm thinking if joining U.A for the experience and it could help me in the future"

"Geez... Aren't you already like stupidly smart?" Kirishima wondered in awe. "No, idiot. You're just a dumbass" Bakugo growled.

"Come on, Bakugo. Don't be so mean. I'm sure Kirishima is smarter than you think" I acknowledged, which the ash-blonde rolled his eyes.

"Anyway... I think we should get to class. You probably should go to the stadium" Rien pointed out with excitement. I nodded, "Bye! See you later! Wish me luck!" She cheered.

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