Chapter 79: Bonds

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Dylan Xander's POV

I'm getting faster... Faster than I've ever been but no matter how hard I run or how fast I move.

I feel like something is catching up to me, call it paranoia or whatever but this growing sensation has been crawling up my spine ever since Snart told me that Surge was planning something...

Only things is, I don't know what...

The streets of Musutafu had a peaceful silence as I cruised through, zipping between alleys and roads with a signature trail of lightning blazing behind me.

With becoming Pursuit once more and my Uncle waking up from his coma, I finally felt good for the most part.

Although, there was still Surge and one other thing that bugged me to no end.

Racing towards a building fire, I was hit with a sense of deja vu. Months ago, I had done this...

I passed the street where I overshot my mark by six blocks. Taking a quick turn, I didn't waste much time as I entered the blazing structure.

The heat didn't get a chance to reach me as I became a lightning bolt that began moving in a circular pattern.

People inside were moved to safety, dropping them outside by the paramedics. My movement easily funneled the oxygen out of the interior, suffocating the inferno.

Leaving a plume of smoke that elevated from the building. Appearing outside in a flash and gust of wind, I skidded yo a halt.

It wasn't long before the crowd taht had built up cheered, I gave an awkward yet attentive wave before walking over to the fire department chief.

"Ah, I extinguished the fire and got as many people as I could find out but if you're planning to go in there, I'd be careful of second and fourth floor. It's unstable"

As I walked away, the chief held his hand out. He was taller and rather built, his grin was genuine. "Thank you for the assist and thanks for saving my son during that storm"

I took his hand and gave it a firm shake, "No problem, just doing my job"

That's when I heard my comms beep, "Well, you know how it is... Gotta run" Disappearing in a flash, I answered the call.

"Hello?..." I said as the building washed past my field of view. There was a pause before somebody answered, "Dee..."

My expression slowly folded into one of surprise. "Um, Katsuki! He-Hey, how are yo-" My awkward attempt at making small talk was thwarted as the explosive teen cut in.

"We need to talk..." Before I could respond, I heard him curse himself before correcting his phrase. "Shit, can"

"Sure..." I swallowed my saliva, not at all sure about the situation. Katsuki sounded gloomy, almost unsure himself.

Although, it was obvious something was on his mind... Did he want to scream at me again?... To be honest, I wouldn't blame him.

Maybe he wanted to understand...

"What time?"

"Seven-Thirty, on the roof of the dorms, don't be late... Don't know how you could be" Trust me, I can find at least a hundred ways to be late and come up with thousands of excuses or lies to be honest.

"Okay... See you then"

"Yeah, I guess..." He said before returning to silence, Katsuki seemed withdrawn, vulnerable even.

We both remained silent, just listening to the city blur past me as I ran at Super Speeds. I wanted to say something more, I got the impression that he did too.

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