Chapter 47: Tachyon Leap

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Dylan's POV

I walked passed a coastline sign that said I was now way outside the city. The city limits could be seen over the mountainous hills.

"Guys, is that far enough yet?" I looked down at the hand held device in my hand. The Tachyon device. Repurposed to enhance my speed.

"It should be far enough. Hopefully we'll see you in a few" Nagato said with a hint of excitement.

It has been a day since I visited Katsuki at U.A, I'm still embarrassed how I fell asleep. He even took photos, sending them to me as a tease.

Sighing, I looked forward... Placing the Tachyon device on my chest. The instant rush of energy flooded my body. I gasped at the rush, "Oh yeah... Feeling that" I said with exhilaration.

"Okay... On your mark..." Evan said as I got into a stance. "Get set..." Lightning charged and crackled throughout my body. "Go!"

I absolutely rocketed off, creating a vacuum of wind behind me. The trees in the surrounding area all blew in he direction I was running.

Within less than two seconds I passed the Mountain ranges. "Holy Shit! Look at him Go!" Street after street. City block after city block.

As I ran a grin formed on my face. "The Tachyons are holding"

This was nothing, I could go faster. I knew I could. "I can step it up!" I called out.

"Do It" Evan encouraged with awe in his tone. My Body rapidly increased in speed, cars were basically still and the world seemed to warp at this new speed.

That was until I saw a flash of bright like, it was blue, white and black. It swirled and I ran straight through it.


The flash of light instantly faded as I felt like I ran through a tunnel. When I looked around, I was in the city.

My body raced through the streets unpredictably from my sheer speed. Catching glimpses of the streets, I noticed something...

This wasn't my City... It wasn't even Japan. Each face, every building... It was oddly reminiscent of home... My home in America.

Though different...

I passed building, my eyes scanned over the sign. Jitters... It was a Cafe.

Almost instantly I turned down an alleyway, skidding to a complete stop. My Body panted with the rush of energy that flooded through me.

"Wh-what?" I looked around in panic. "Guys! You there?" I called into my comms. Nothing came through.

"Damn it" I muttered, taking a breath.

Pulling off the Tachyon device, I blasted off into a run. As I passed, I saw people looked at me differently than what I'm used to.

They cheered?...

As I ran down the street, I instantly saw a distant explosion. Taking a sharp turn, I made it to the wreckage as it played out.

My body ran along the car that was flying mid-air. I grabbed the people inside and placed them out of harms way.

Acting quick, I pulled people out of the crash zone. Then I ran up the side of a building, stopping once I reached the summit.

Looking down, I saw something different. Nobody else coming to the rescue, no outfits that point to Pro-Heroes.

"What The hell?"

Though my confusion was shifted into intrigue when I saw a bolt of golden yellow lightning blast down the street at Superhuman Speeds.

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