Chapter 54: Ghost In Time

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Dylan's POV

The walking through the night struck city was a slow going process, I didn't know whether it was because I'm always moving at Super Speed, from on side of the city to another back home or I just forgot how it felt to walk like everyone else. 

How nice it was to not have a destination, only a journey where the choice in direction is based on moment to moment decision. "Where are we going?" I pondered to m Uncle's Doppleganger as he lead me in a a seemingly random direction. 

He wasn't gonna stab me in some allayway, right?...

Hope he doesn't...

"Amelia always love taking walks and strolls through the city, can't count the times she dragged me to wander the streets with her" John answered by not directly answering my question. "You don't have to tell me. Mom never sat still for long. Always taking me to the park when I was a kid"

"You still are a kid" John reminded just like the Uncle on my Earth. He seemed to liven up, not by much but it was a noticable margin. "You'd be surprised how wrong you are" I mumbled, looking across the street to see a couple walking home, laughing and smiling. The sigt drew me in as my mind wandered to Katsuki back home. 

John seemed to notice as he began staring, "Got somebody special back home?" He inquired, slowing his pace to match mine. "You could say that" My answer remained vague as I reminded myself that I couldn't stay here forever, my time on this Earth was numbered until Cisco can find my dimensional frequency and Earth...

As we walked, we mainly talked about the first thing that would come to mind. It wasn't really small talk or massive topics, the sensation was hard to describe since there isn't really a word for getting to know your relative from another Universe that you know extremely well in your own universe. 

There should really be a name for that. 

"You seem around sixteen, seventeen. What type of things are you into at school?" John gestured to my obviously younger form with a curious gaze, in an attempt to keep the conversation going. "Actually, I have a degree in Forensic Science and Advanced Robotics. Graduated top Three in MIT as few years ago" I allowed myself to boast for once in my life, being smart shouldn't be something I hide. 

Nobody should be victimised for being smart, especially when most of those people can be the key to the future. John hummed, completely surprised. "My Dad was a Scientist" I put further detail into the discussion. 

Though as we took a few extra steps, everything around me suddenly slowed down to a crawl as I felt something apply pressure to the nape of my neck. My eyes immediately crackled with electricity as I felt the sensation of something about to pierce into my skin. Reaching back in a hurry, my thumb and index finger caught someting completely unexpected. 

Pulling my hand back around as John had been slowled down to a crawl as his next sentence had yet to start. Within my hand was a thick bullet from at first glance seemed to be a Desert Eagle. That's when my ears finally caught the sound of the gun firing as the bullet travels faster. 

Grabbing John, I pulled him to the ground to avoid a bullet that was nearing his form. My eyes watched in panic as it coasted over his head. We fell to the floor as I heard the second sound of the gun firing from down the street. 

My lightning flared for a brief moment before disappearing as we were on the floor. 

Time suddenly returned to normal as we recovered, my gaze snapped down the street to see somebody in a cloak. In their hand a smoking Desert Eagle and a small box that held a white glow.

"What the fuck!?" John exclaimed as I stared in shock as I saw the figure. My Uncle's Doppleganger turned around in a hurry to catch the sight of a attempted Murderer. Not knowing what to do as I needed to keep my cover about being without powers a secret but at the same time... The Shooter would get away. 

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن