Chapter 82: Heavy Bass

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Dylan Xander's POV

As the first note hit my ears, I recoiled with a grumpy growl that even shocked Kara as she glanced beside her with wide eyes.

My Kryptonian Friend saw only dread on my face as this Musical Asshole began his performance. Each of us unable to challenge his power or presence.

The sinking feeling was akin to thinking at Super speed as the pain felt like it wouldn't end.

Dramatic?... I think Not!

I'm starting to think the Multiverse hates me...

The room enveloped in song as Winn or whoever he was began as he would put, tickled the keys to envelope the space in melody.

"Put a little love in your heart!~" It felt like that was all this song was trying to get across. To be honest, I was busy prying myself out of the situation.

Distracting my mind with various theories to escape this Musical Hell.

Although, I found the situation quite impossible from the upbeat tune and literal crew of characters that begun dancing like puppets.

Kara peered around in disbelief as Barry eyed the room with actual, God, honest intrigue. His hand found its way to his chest as he swayed to the beat, subconsciously.

Barry was into this... Kara was still bewildered and I tried to block whatever melody that was playing from entering my train of thought.

The puppeteer of this freak show prattled along the follow, leading the characters into an explosive form of routine.

Glancing around, I was able to see people from Kara's and Barry's Worlds, yet none resided from my own.

Except for...Katsuki...

"Thank God" A praise escaped me as I noticed Katsuki wasn't within the room. Dancing along to the song.

Circling my form, I stood alone to the pompous crescendo that met my ears. His words directed towards me as a wave of emotion blew around me as he gave me his all.

With a swift spin, I felt an impact on my rear, causing me to yelp at his fun. I spun even faster, slapping his index finger away in distain.

Although, it didn't halt his vibe, only enhanced it due to witnessing my defensiveness.

Allowing him to have one final conclusion to the song that barely registered in my brain.

The only thing that stuck with me was the arrogant blissfulness he emitted, although how...envious I was of him that I didn't live in such ignorance.

Barry and Kara's heart strings were tugged, pulling them into the setting of the musical.

Upon the final bravado and note, our host vanished from view.

Before any of us could wrap our head around the situation, the Characters receded into their roles and went about their day.

Like they didn't like a crew from The Step Up Franchise.

My friends pulled themselves out of the trance and began peering around in confusion. "Where'd he go?" Barry inquired, genuinely curious on his location. "I don't know" Kara shrugged.

"I don't think he was here in the first place, I mean this is in our head, right?"

Tilting their head in acknowledgement, Barry and Kara let that be the running theory. "Let's go find him, you never know"

Following the Scarlet Speedster, I blew a raspberry towards our situation. "This is so...weird"


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