Chapter 36: Before You Know It

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We all sat in the cortex, John stood near a wall where he leaned with his arms crossed. "So, let me get this straight... You saw chaos?" John wondered. Nagato nodded, "There... There was a crater... The League of Villains... This man in a suit, he looked like he was on life support. All Might was there..." He then glanced at me. 

"There was also two streaks of lightning... White and Golden..." 

The room grew tense, "This is the end of All Might as a hero... He looked so deflated. I never liked the idiot but I would never want him to end up like that" Nagato rambled with his glasses in hand. "What about Dylan? You said there were two Speedsters" 

The scientist nodded, "I-I only caught glimpses of them... You guys were moving too fast to keep up. Your fight was throughout the entire Ward..." I slowly stood up, "Which Ward?" 

"Camino Ward" 

"Dylan... I know you want to save my Daughter and your friend... But let your friends deal with that..." Before I could protest he interrupted. "Listen... You need to have your focus on Surge... Do not take your eyes off him until you scare him off..." Nagato's eyes peered at me, like he was staring through my soul, "No matter what" 


No matter what...

Those words kept echoing through my head...

Even now, when I standing out the front of the hospital, waiting for everyone to show up. I saw a blob of spiked red and a mixture of a candy cane wander up to me. I was wearing casual dark clothes, nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary. My bag had my suit in it, something was bound to go down. 

The familiar sight of Kirishima and Todoroki caught my eye, I turned to face them with my hand in my pockets, "Hey, guys" I said smoothly. "I've said this before and I'll say it once more. It is unwise for you to join us" Shut up Todoroki... "Well, too bad... I'm coming..." I dismissed his warning quickly. 

Before Todoroki could protest further I shut him up, "Not that you'd understand but I've known Rien longer than you have. I also know Katsuki more than you... So, why are you here?" I know it sounded harsh but he averted his gaze. "It's my fault Bakugou was taken... I wasn't fast enough" Literally the worst thing to say to the Speedster...

So, join the club...

A sigh escaped my mouth as I rubbed my face from the built up stress. "Dude, are you okay?" I quickly dismissed Kirishima's worries with a nod, "These last few days have taken a different toll on everyone" Some more than others. 

As we stood in front of the hospital, the automatic doors opened to reveal Yaoyorozu and Izuku. The small green bean had bandages wrapped tightly around his arms. He stopped walking when he saw me, averting his gaze is a form of shame. He just couldn't bring himself to look at me.

"H-Hey..." Izuku grumbled with defeat laced in his voice, "Hey..." I replied indifferently causing a visible flinch. "How are you?" He finally gained the courage to ask. "Fine... Let's just save Rien and Katsuki" As soon as I said it, I felt bad. I was cold and distant.

Izuku stood there taken aback from my approach, "R-Right... Um... Dylan... I'm sorry... I wasn't strong enough to save them" His eyes glossed over with built up tears. "It wasn't your fault..." There was no way he could've stopped Surge in a head to head fight"

"But it is... That villain... the Speedster, I can't stop him... He's too dangerous, so... You should stay out of this mission" Izuku spoke up with conviction and raw determination which I admired but he wasn't gonna stop me. "Nah... That Speedster has another thing coming if he tries anything" I smirked. 

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang