Chapter 101: Brewing Storm

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The bright shine in the sky quickly faded as a collection of cloud began to form. Casting a haunting shadow over Japan.

Everyone seemed to collectively flinch as a rumbling bellowed from above. Awaiting a lightning bolt to streak across the sky.

This mentality carried from person to person, far and wide. The Heroes... The Civilians and even so called Villains.

Some of which who sat within a busted building, licking their wounds from their most recent outing as the League of Villains.

Half of them were off, trying to prove themselves to the strongest Servant of All For One. The rest trying their best to remain under tye radar.

Back in the city, Dylan stood in front of the familiar police precinct where he found himseld working most days. His stood stoicly before the building as crowds of people passed by.

Not paying him any mind.

Digging his hands into Aki's Jacket Pockets, he made his first step up the stone cut stairs. Entering the building, Dylan's ears were introduced to the chaos.

Officers and Heroes alike were darting around, all wishing they had Super-Speed.

Passing the front desk, he heard a voice. "Hey, buddy! You look los--" The officer standing behind the reception desk handing a file to a familiar detective. Tilting his head before a spark appeared in her eyes.

"Xander?" The weathered teen's attention shifted to see Detective Tsukauchi, his Uncle's partner. The man seemed tired, as if he had been going at one-hundred and ten percent without rest.

He gave a quick word to the officer at the reception desk, postponing the conversation and walking towards Dylan's form.

The Speedster in disguise straightened his posture, meeting the usually kind and dedicated man in the eye. "Where have you been? The Captain and Fable have really had a lot on their plate with the recent Meta-Human attacks"

Dylan paused as the Detective continued. "Don't even get me started about your Uncle--" Dylan chose his time to speak, wanting nothing more than to see family. "Where is he?" Although abrupt and lacking any steadiness, Tsukauchi cleared his throat.

Awaiting Dylan's next sentence.

Sighing, the young man composed himself before speaking. "Ah, sorry. I check the house and couldn't find him"

"Your Uncle is here. Has been for days, I think. I don't know what's gotten into him but..." The concerned partner shook his head in bewilderment. "...He's on a warpath and we've tried getting a hold of you to convince him to go home but you didn't answer"

Frowning, Dylan quickly came up with an excuse that could edge as close as possible to the truth without giving away any of Dylan's more...exotic activities.

A precaution to trick the Detective's troublesome quirk as a Human Lie Detector.

"Right...My phone. I kind of lost it and I've been staying with some...friends until the storm died down a bit" The Detective raised his brow as he deciphered what Dylan spewed out.

Knowing how to meddle with the quirk, Dylan added, "I realised that my Uncle would be worried about me so I tried my best to come and tell him I was, alive"

Dylan felt the sweat begin to form on his back as Tsukauchi blankly stared at the rugged teen. "Your friend's place not have a razor or something?"

With an awkward grin, Dylan scratched the back of his head. "Yeah, I may have let myself go" Turns out, Speedster Metabolism and Long-Term Unconsciousness was a powerful combo for hair growth.

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