Chapter 17: New Enemy

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"Hello... Dylan..." 

I felt a stiff jolt to my body as I was shaken awake, I took a sharp inhale of breath as I sat up and groan with tiredness. The first thing I registered was the monotone beeping and the scent of a strong cleaning product. My eyes slowly opened. Light filtered into my vision and the blurriness from my sleepiness faded as I saw Rien standing next to me in her U.A uniform. She looked slightly worried but smiled when I was moving fine. 

"Hey..." I said with my voice raspy and full of sleepiness. She snickered at my demeanor, "Morning Sleepy Head. You left in a hurry last night. I was worried but then I saw the news" She looked at my sleeping uncle who was still in the hospital bed. "Lucky Pursuit was there to save him" 

I nodded and faintly smiled, "Looks like you were right. The Blur did exist" I said with a smirk. Rien smiled brightly as she lightly punch my arm, "Damn right I was" 

I rubbed my arm in protest, "Aren't you meant to be at school?" I wondered as I looked at her Uniform. "The class has their internships. Didn't I tell you about that?" I sighed as I remembered her talking about it. "I totally forgot. This week has been a long one" 

She chuckled, "I guess I can forgive you for forgetting. Anyway, I should get going before Aizawa has my head. I'll call you when I get to my internship" She started walking out of the room. "Who is your internship with?" Rien stopped walking and looked at me with a grin, "I actually got an offer from Endeavor. Isn't that awesome?" I looked to the side for a moment, "Dylan? You okay?" I snapped back to reality. "Y-Yeah! I'm good. Congratulations" 

"You seem overworked. You should take a break" I hummed in response. Like I can take a break...

Rien left the room and I looked at my phone, it had three notifications from Evan and 2 from Kana. I quickly dialed up Kana, waiting for the phone to answer. The line was picked up and the sound of Kana's voice filtered through. "Hey, Dyl... You might want to get down to the lab. We have something to show you" 

I looked at my sleeping uncle and then out the window. "Be there in a sec" The phone was hung up and I took one last look at my Uncle. He was sleeping soundly as I gave his hand one last gentle squeeze before flashing out of the hospital and towards the lab. Within moments, I was inside the cortex. "What's up?"

Evan looked up from his screen with a frown, "Take a look at this" The monitor on the wall lit up with a video feed from CCTV. "What is this?" I asked obliviously. "J-Just watch..." The video played and it was a feed that had a timestamp for last night. I saw a flash of white, along with lightning and a platinum blur. "Is there any sound?" 


The sound filtered in right when the Speedster killed two guards. Their gargles of agony filled my ears, reminding me of my mother. "Really Doctor?..." Its voice was everywhere. Vibrating rapidly. The scene continued as the Speedster torments the scientist, saying a monologue about needing more speed. Then in an instant, the scientist was ripped into two pieces. Evan looked away with a sickening face, Kana cringed and I just frowned. 

"This is the Tachyon Facility?" I ask. "Y-Yeah..."

"The timestamp reads the exact same time I fought those Meta-Humans. This was set up..." 

"Or one major coincidence"

I stayed silent, thinking on what to do next...

This guy is dangerous, he has killed, assaulted, stolen... 

He's an official threat and I'm gonna catch him...

"Dylan?..." Kana placed her hand on my shoulder. "This wasn't your fault..." She soothed, "But it is. I said we would look for him and protect the Tachyons. That was on us. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" 

Evan looked at me with a frown, "We got the data late last night. You needed to rest and your uncle needed you. I just thought..." He stopped himself from saying anything else. The tension was high and thick. "We need to find him and our best bet would be those Metas from the Marina"

"Why them? They could be a coincidence" 

I looked at Evan and shook my head, "John said that they knew someone just like me. My bet, they are connected. Besides, we can't let them run wild in the city. We have been  waiting for more Metas to show up. This is our chance" 

"You're going on a manhunt?" In that I shook my head instantly, "Not a manhunt. Yes, I'm pissed at them for what they did to my Uncle but as he would say it isn't the time to make it personal" 

There were a few nods and a sigh, "Let's get to work" I flashed into my suit. "Pursuit is on the move" I quipped as I walked out of the cortex. "Not so fast Mister! You haven't eaten. There are some of the modified protein bars in my lab" I halted my movements, flashed into the lab and back with a bar in my hand. "I ate one while getting them" I assured. 

"Be careful!" 

"I'll try!" I flashed out of the cortex...

Time to search for some Metas...


After hours of running around the city, I decided to call it a day. Once I was done with patrol, I ran to the hospital to visit my Uncle. He was getting better. Recovery Girl, the nurse that works at U.A and closely with the police healed him because he had enough stamina. I gave her a kind and friendly greeting and farewell as she said I was a kind child. 

The day was soon over, the sun sunk below the horizon and I sat in a chair next to my Uncle, while he was on the bed. "So, Rien is at her internship?" He ask and received a nod. "So, is the group that you are always hanging out with?" 

"Yeah... Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and... Bakugo are at their internships. Rien is with Endeavor and Bakugo is with Best Jeanist, he hasn't called me about it so I'm sure everything is fine but I'm pretty sure he is busy with the work load..." 

I looked at my Uncle who was slightly grinning with his tired eyes peering at me. "What?" I laughed. "You mainly talked about this Bakugo kid. What is going on there?" I rolled my eyes, "There is seriously nothing going on. I'm a complete girl person" I assured. He rolled his eyes, "Dylan, it's okay. I know you. I don't care who you like" 

"Then I'm sure you don't mind if I'm Bisexual?" 

He shrugged, "Still a genius in my eyes" 

I chuckled and then my phone started vibrating. I looked at the caller ID and raised an eyebrow. "Who is it?"

I looked at John, "It's Bakugo" 

"Have fun~" I scoffed a I stood up and walked out of the room for privacy. I answered the phone and put it to my ear. "Hey, Bakugo" I sad. "Hey Dumbass..." 

"Geez, you sound tired" 

"No fucking shit Sherlock!" He yelled which I had to pull the phone from my ear, "Why are you calling?"

"I just thought you could use my mighty presence to keep an extra like you company" I scoffed at his words. "In your dreams buddy" 

He sighed, "Your annoying friend told me about your Uncle..." Where was his going with this? "Yes? What about it?"

"Is he okay or Whatever? Just fucking answer the question, Nerd! I'm using my own time to see if you're okay! Not that I give a fucking shit... JUST TELL ME!!!" I could hear him perfectly even with the phone a complete arm's length away from my ear. "Geez, Splodey! Trying to yell my ear off?" There was silence which I sighed at. "My Uncle is fine. Just scratched up. Lucky Pursuit was there" 

"Yeah... Uh, well... Cool, I guess... Bye" 



"Thanks for calling?"

There was silence for a long few seconds, "Whatever Nerd..."

He hung up the phone and I placed it back in pocket. Walking into the room with a dumb smile plastered on my face. "What's with the smile?" John slyly smirked. "Nothing that concerns You, Old Man" I teased.

"Old Man? That's it... Imma shoot you when I get my gun back" he crossed his arms like a child and pouted. I rolled my eyes, "If you can catch me"

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