Chapter 88: Duel Fronts

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Dylan Xander's POV

The room was silent as I stood in the middle of the Cortex like so many times before.

My eyes peered towards my suit that rested before me on the small mannequin.

Arms crossed, expression akin to a frown.

What was Denki planning?... Why the Particle Accelerator?...

Does this have anything to do with his younger self?...

The reflection of one of the monitors revealed Katsuki in the corner of the room. His gaze held on me, my speed making the world drag on.

Moments becoming an eternity as my thoughts swarmed my head.

"D---y---l---a---n!" The elongated speech of Nagato pulled me from my trance, the moment I blinked, time continued normally.

I turned around, body moving with the casual motions as I continued to ponder on the current predicament.

"What do you think we should do?" Chris inquired on my opinion, awaiting my answer. "This is obviously Denki's doing"

Katsuki grew more attentive at the mention of us classmate. "Who else could do something like this? With future tech and knowledge-"

"And a grudge like his" Evan added.

"There is no doubt that crazy psycho is behind this" Ryan's expression was void of emotion, his psyche still not comfortable with talking about Surge.

After all, he was kidnapped by him in another timeline and almost succeeded in this one.

"Speaking of what he did, what's the damage?" I inquired, dropping my arms by my sides, nearing the main terminal. Evan quickly connected his monitor to the screens within the cortex.

The schematic of the Particle Accelerator popped up, along with a blinking light that was slowly growing in size. "From what I can tell, Surge has somehow activated the Accelerator"

"Activated? You're saying-"

"The particle collision sequence has been integrated back into the system by the new energy source that was installed" Evan interrupted Katsuki, which my boyfriend seemed to temper his reaction with an aggressive huff.

"Can we pull the plug?" Kana questioned, her expression growing more negative by the second. "Future tech that advanced is...beyond me. Who know what will happen if we pulled the plug"

"We could blow a hole in the planet or even the Space-time Continuum, considering it ruptured it before when I was struck by lightning" The situation grew more grave upon hearing my input.

Evan's fingers prattled across the keyboard, "We have...nine hours...tops, until the Particle Accelerator goes online"

"And nine hours to safely move each Meta contained in the Pipeline" Ryan added cautiously. "Tch, why do we need to move those scumbags?" Bakugou's question seemed to rear heads, although they were quick to realise he was smart but didn't study quantum physics or anything remotely close.

"Y'see, we can't leave the prisoners because if another Dark Matter explosion were to occur, they'd be vaporized" Nagato leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk as he elaborated. "I'm assuming you know Izuku Midoriya's Father. They'd experience a similar fate" Katsuki's brow creased like something had swelled in his throat.

I observed everyone grow uncomfortable at the notion, Hasashi was a special man. Everyone who was at Haven Labs that night still feel uneasy talking about some of the people they lost in the explosion.

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang