Chapter 69: Crossing A Line

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3rd Person

The young speedster came rocketing into the precinct, causing a rush of wind through the space. A pleased chuckled escaped him as he listened to the shocked gasps of the occupants.

Dylan sighed, pulling off the shades that covered his eyes. His clothing had made quite a change, becoming more stylistic and less nerdy.

So much so that he caught a seductive glance of a few people during his few pit stops he made on his way to work.

His phone buzzed, with a reluctant and disinterested sigh he read the contact ID. Rolling his eyes at Katsuki's fiftieth message, relating to his sudden disappearance the night before.

Leaving the message on read, he put away the phone as he stepped into the whirling elevator. The people who join him were basic civilians for the most part.

As they all stood in silence, a stray thought entered Dylan's head and without the means to resist, he happily followed.

Time seemed to drag as Dylan's hand slipped into the personal contents of each occupant. His hands searched wallets, purses and pockets.

Being sure to make he was acting normal as the doors opened. He quickly tripped an officer, allowing them to ram into the other occupants without being noticed through the chaos.

Time resumed naturally for the Speedster, his hand slipped into his pocket, as did the money he stole from each person in the elevator.

Having a laugh at the chaos, Dylan wandered out of the elevator. His chill and relaxed expression fading upon noticing Aizawa.


"Jesus Christ! Don't you have a class to teach?" The employed teen cut in, his hand gripping the railing for the stairs. Shota shifted footing, crossing his arms. "I still need those files"

Dylan scoffed, "And I said I get them for you when I can" He looked at his wrist, pretending to check the time.

"Oop, would you look at the time. I'm busy chasing reality and not in the mood to try to arrest somebody you'll never be able to come close to catching"

Turning on his heel with a pep in his step, Dylan climbed the stairs, putting his sunglasses back on. Dylan didn't look back to see the frustrated flaring of Aizawa's expression.

Although, he could imagine how irritated Aizawa must've been. Entering the lab, he discarded his stuff to the desk, quickly falling into the desk swivel chair.

Spinning around, Dylan's feet landed on the desk as he reclined. "What murder mystery will I be solving today?" The young speedster didn't bother with any formal greetings for anyone who might be lurking.

His hand grabbed the files and he read over them. "Boring... Not interesting... Help yourself" He listed comments for each case.

One being a double Homicide, another a hit and run, while the third was a family brutalized and raped in their household. Dylan's eyes flared red for a brief moment, like a dial had been turned. Increasing his state of mind to something different, something darker.

Looking to the side, Dylan's hand subconsciously tightened. His knuckles became whiter as lightning flickered across his eyes.

Leaning forward, his fingers glided along the keyboard. Utilising his speed, he read through the reports of each case, quickly finding patterns and leads.

"Detectives my ass, couldn't even find some lowlife rapist" Before the clock ticked another second, Dylan was miles away.

Crossing the city in a matter of moments, Dylan's lightning became a chaotic mess, arching into the environment.

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