Chapter 73: Can't Stop Running

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The backstreet bars of the city were vast and plentiful, the worst of the worst hung out in each. Getting wasted and high off whatever anyone sold.

Prostitutes, Gang Members, Villains alike all congregated to these places.

One such Criminal was Leonardo Snart, his hand raised the bottle of alcohol to his mouth as he took a sip.

His icy eyes casing the joint, this could be a setup. Last time he worked with the guy that called him, it didn't go too well.

This man didn't follow a plan, not even a code... That and he tried getting in his sister's pants which was a no fly zone in his eyes.

His sister was annoying and diabolical yet family was still family, it was just the two of them.

Now it was just him, his sister was locked up in Pursuit's little detention facility for Meta-Humans. He checked the cells in the supermax facilities, she wasn't there.

"There he is, the man with a plan" A hand was placed on his should get quickly retracted as his jacket was extremely cold.

A scarred face revealed itself with a friendly grin but Snart saw through it. Squinting his eyes with his own cunning smirk. "Mr Xio, I wasn't expecting you to contact me after the facial I gave you" He referred to the scars.

Snart was on guard, the last job the two did was the night before the Particle Accelerator explosion. It ended with Snart leaving the man behind.

It was the only option, Xio or himself and he looked out for no.1.

"Yeah, well... The past is in the past and I have a job for us" Snart raised his brow in intrigue. What could Xio possible have for Snart that would pique his interest?

"Speak, I'm in no mood for games. Get to the point of you'll find there are worst things than a little frostbite" Snart's hand leaked frost as it spread along the wooden table.

"Easy, Snart... It's good, all we gotta do is use our powers to create a monster snow storm"

"Why?" Snart remarked with more sass than interest.

"That White Speedster wants us to lure Pursuit out. Keep him busy for a short while"

This was a stupid idea, Snart knew that. Basically a suicide mission, working with the devil was never Snart's M.O.

He liked being in control, making all the moves...

But maybe this is what he needed, he was already on Pursuit's radar after saving him from Tarpit and their gang if delinquents.

Smart grinned, forcing confidence in Xio. "You seem to have yourself a deal"

"Just like that? What's in it for you?" Xio was glad Snart was on board but nothing was ever this easy. "Pursuit has my sister in custody and I'd love to get her back before she never lets me live it down"

The half truth was enough to push Xio into a state of comfort as he stood up from the bar stool. "Pleasure working with you, Snart"

"Sure, whatever you say" The icy cold Meta sipped his drink once more, thinking over a plan while he sat with Surge's lackey.

Xio was not one to be trusted and Surge was even less so...


Dylan Xander's POV

This time running wasn't the answer, it just didn't feel the same. Sure, I could rocket off at Mach 12 in a blink of an eye but no matter how fast I ran, it didn't change anything.

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now