Chapter 106: Speed Limit

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Dylan Xander's POV:

Kana shined a light in my eye, attempting to cover all her medical bases while Evan spun on an office chair, with a piece of liquorice hanging out of his mouth, while he played with one of Lana's thermometers.

"So, you're telling us, that you were hoisted up in the air by...the Speed-Force. The same thing that has, y'know, given you powers, advice and generally helped you?"

Before I could answer, Kana retorted back. "The same thing that gave Denki his powers, sent an Undead Eldritch Horror after Dylan and now attacked him directly" Kana reached out to Evan, expecting her piece of equipment.

"Touché" He muttered back, handing her the thermometer.

Sighing, I slouched forward, blinking away the discomfort in my eyes. "Look, I know it sounds...crazy but--"

"No, No! Time Travel is crazy. Moving faster than All Might is crazy. Oh wait, you can do both of those things, so forgive me if my definition of crazy is a little different" Evan interjected, placing down some hard facts.

Kana clicked her tongue as the computer alerted her to my test results finishing their analysis.

Her perplexed gaze turned into a frown. "Your vitals are all within the normal range, for you at least"

Could Haven Labs even measure what was wrong with me?

"Caitlin sent me everything they had on Barry on Earth-1 so maybe they don't even know wha--" She paused.

"Even know what? Kana?" I said.

"Your Speed-Force energy level is sporadic" My eyes found the screen as it measured in real time. It was safely at its base and suddenly shot up by significant amounts. "Evan, could you send me the Suit's data?"

Evan stopped spinning and kicked off the ground. Pushing his chair out of the med-lab and into the main cortex before typing away at his keyboard.

"Sent!" He called out.

After a moment of looking over the screen, Kana's brow furrowed. "The energy increase seems to be when you reach speeds surpassing Mach thirty-six"

Mach thirty-six? Seems hyper specific.

"-And by estimation, the effects of whatever is happening to you will either increase as you go faster or get worse with time"

Just like that, my hopes of continuing my race had been stunted. "But the city--"

"Dylan, you're important too" Kana stressed. "Please, just be careful with your Speed. We don't know if your other abilities have an effect on your condition"

"Yeah, but how did it even happen?" Evan poked his head back in. Sitting still, I thought back on the race with Death itself and Denki's Time Remnant.

Opening my mouth, I answered the best I could. "I think it has something to do with when I ran through the Speed-Force"

"Yeah, but you've run through it before. So has every other Speedster so what makes this so different?" Evan inquired, perplexed by the situation.

Shuffling in my seat, Kana saw me squirm. "Dylan, what did you do?" My eyes found my lap as I tried my best to formulate an explanation that made sense. Which proved difficult, even with the processing speed of my brain. "When Denki and I ran throgh the Speed-Force, we had to run farther than both of us wanted too" I looked up, making sure the two of them were paying attention. 

Not that I wanted to share another problem, not with Ryan's death and Dr Nagato not being here. 

"The two of us were being chased by the Speed-Force's own version of Death" Evan scoffed, his grin seemed to share that it sounded a little hard to believe. "Death? Doesn't that seem a little biblical?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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