Chapter 10: Deal

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I stood in the office of the Commissioner. So, my Uncle's boss. "Sit down, please... Woof" he offered. I followed and sat in the chair.

"So... What is this deal?..." I am very curious.

"Well, the force has had a major shortage in the staff. Ever since the Particle Accelerator. Your Uncle said that you are a bright mind and I have read that your files. You have the degree to work in the lab... Woof"

This is a job offering?...

"Considering your Age. This will only be a part time job as an assistant in the forensic lab. So, you will be called in and will have access to the labs. Your handler has already agreed to your position... Woof"

"So... This is a opportunity for a job?"

"Precisely... Woof"

I looked at my Uncle who looked away from me. My body inwardly sighed, this is his way of letting me help...

"To be honest. I have recently gotten out of a coma. So..." I should refuse...

"I would love to join your force..." But this could open opportunities in the future...

"Brilliant... The paperwork is still up in the air, so when it is ready, you can si-" The door flung open.

"Sir! There has been a call about a group of individuals at Haven Labs. They were all wearing masks and fit the description of the APB" Am officer with a Cat head said.

I stood up, "Right... Sorry Xander. But this will have to wait... Woof" The man stood up and pulled a coat on, walking out of the office.

"Stay here..." John sternly said as he walked out of the office. I sighed with defeat, I could help. I reached for my phone and called Evan.

It rung a few times, eventually going to voicemail. I called again but it just disconnected. I let out a breath of frustration. My phone called Kana, but I got the same result multiple times. After 10 minutes of nothing I walked behind of the Commissioner's desk, pulling up his laptop.

I started typing, pulling up lines of code, hacking into the device. Then I hacked into the CCTV systems. As stated before, I tied 1st in MIT. One of the best at hacking, still nowhere as good as Evan though.

The screen changed to a live feed of Haven Labs in the parking garage.

There were nine people in masks, they moved in such sync. Like minions with a master.

I saw my Uncle on the feed, he was in a gin fight with his partner. The car they were hiding behind was shot to hell, catching fire.

The blaze grew, swelling with an oncoming explosion...

I flashed out of the Precinct and towards the Lab. through the cortex, grabbing the suit and racing to the parking garage.

(John's POV: Few Minutes Earlier)

My partner and I ran into the parking garage, I saw Evan and Kana on the ground, hiding behind their cars.

"Where is the genetic code splicer!?" One of the thugs yelled. I shared a glance with Naomasa. "Freeze! Drop your weapons!" I ordered with my gun trained at them.

They all turned around simultaneously and opened fire. I pushed Naomasa out of the way, his head slammed into the pavement, knocking him unconscious.

I started shooting the perps and try shot back. My gun fired and it hit one of them in te chest. He fell with a heavy thud.

My body took cover again...

I looked through a small gap to see one of them take off his mask. Revealing a man with short black hair, a scar on his eyebrow and clean shaven face. He started shaking and another one of him came out of him.

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara