Chapter 80: Off Beat

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As the young Speedster had a sense of vertigo wash over him, the world began to spin. His senses all faded, his consciousness close behind.

Having his legs give out, the young man's body fell parallel to the ground in a horizontal position.

Katsuki Bakugou didn't have to react, only call out Dylan's name with a deep rooted concern that nobody had ever heard from the boy, before.

His ruby daggers quickly aimed at the calm and complacent man before him. The stance of power yet tranquility unnerved the explosive young man, as his contrasting stance was rigged.

Signature firework like explosions radiated from Katsuki's palms, as a silent threat. "What did you do to him, you dorky fuck?!"

The man raised a brow as he let out an elongated hum that swelled with amusement. "I didn't always see why Pursuit cares about you so much. With the anger issues and the insecurity but I guess he could always rely on your tenacity..."

Not acknowledging what was said, Bakugou rushed forth with his quirk at the ready. "Hmmm, Sorry but I'm not here to fight just yet" As Katsuki threw a punch, he merely was swatting at air.

There was a flash of lightning and he was gone, almost like he was using Dylan's powers. "Don't fret, I am a man of culture and will grant to a freetrip to join the others that I intent on teaching a lesson" Before Katsuki could fathom what was happening, he heard a gentle click of the fingers and reality seemed to wrap around him and Dylan.


In the quiet space of the bunker, on Earth-1, inside STAR Labs there was nothing. The place was bare and filled with silence.

This place is where Team Flash had done numerous experiments and usually opened breaches to other Earths.

This wasn't one of those times, so when space suddenly began to fold, twist and contort in various ways, it sent a light rumble throughout the building.

As space finished folding, there was a bright flash of light, leaving two figures within the metallic space.

One of which was unconscious, the other frantically looking around with small sparks erupting from his palms.

His ruby eyes darted around, quickly finding his Ex laying flat on the ground, unmoving. A deep sense of worry washed over the ash-blonde as his hands grasped the sides of Dylan's unconscious head. "Hey! Come on! Wake up!" He yelled, his voice travelling far into the building.

It didn't take long for the occupants within to get a silent warning from one of the monitors. Within the Medbay, Team Flash, along with Mon-el and J'onn J'onzz all stood around the unconscious Kara Danvers, who's symptoms seemed to match the state Dylan was in.

Cisco's phone buzzed, his attention being taken away from the situation. His eyes buldged as he announced his findings. "The Breach Room sensors are lighting up again!" Everyone in the room swiftly turned their attention to the Dimenional Vibration Meta-Human and his tiny frame.

Barry swallowed the built up saliva before giving Wally quick and knowing glance before they both rocketed off a Mach 3, Wally with much more hesitation due to his experience within the Speedforce that plagued his conscious.

Within a matter of moments, the two speedsters zoomed into the space in a hurry, only for them to hold their position at the sight. Barry eyed Katsuki, the person he hadn't seen once. His speech elongated, although, he could tell it wasn't english.

His lightning fast eyes were quick to notice the unconscious Speedster within the ash-blonde's grasp. The two halted their advance and Katsuki jumped up, his worry swiftly washed over into a defensive stance with his quirk at the ready.

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