Chapter 77: The Future is Yours

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Dylan Xander's POV

My head rested on my hands as I stared at John's unconscious body, my mind was spinning from my interaction with Snart. You could say I was in shock. A uneasy breath escaped me as I continued to stare, Snart could have killed John if he wanted to, before I arrived.

I lowered my head onto the mattress, closing my eyes to calm down. "Deep Breaths" I muttered to myself, reminding me to take it slow.

It was obvious that I was cautious, Snart's a criminal who has killed many people. He was smart enough to outrun All Might before I became Pursuit. He couldn't be trusted but if there was a chance that Surge-

I shook my head, I couldn't think like that. No more Pursuit means no more racing out into the streets to fight Denki. I would train Ryan but that's as far as I'm willing to go. At least until I feel comfortable being myself.

"What the hell can I do?" I whined, posing the question to my comatose Uncle, all I received was a deep breath as the machine assisted him. Bitting my inner lip, my sea green eyes fell from his position, towards my hands.

You can have it... In pieces...

I could distinctly remember the feeling of his throat under my shoe as he pleaded for me to stop. His ribs breaking from my kick, how I was so close to killing him. How I wanted to kill him.

You're my...

The way he choked, the sickening sound as his stomach acid oozing out of his mouth and onto the ground.

I swallowed my saliva, closing my eyes to focus in something else, anything else. "I'm so sorry..." I muttered as I trembled at the side of the bed.

The rhythmic heart monitor beeped, elongated to my frame of reference. "I need you, John. Everyone still needs you" As I reached out, I found myself hesitating.

Everything I touch seems to break...

My hand retracted and fell back into my chair, patiently awaiting for John to wake up.

Deep down I believed I'd never be that lucky...

Leaning back, I grabbed the TV remote and the screen illuminated the dark and cold room. My heart continued to ached but I held it in, for John's sake and my own sanity. The news were reporting the same old things. The storm was still growing, my shoulders rolled uncomfortably as I kept my urge to help from surfacing. I had to believe Ryan had this...

More reports about small business' getting destroyed by the storm, people have been left homelss from it. No matter how hard we try, there is always gonna be the negative, the downside feels inevitable.

Then they had to pour salt on the wound when the channel flicked to another debate about Pursuit. The interview was with two hosts and a few seemingly well known people in the community.

They sat opposite from one another all representing a factor of the argument, the heading on the bottom of the screen reeled across in bold, capital text.

'The Pursuit Discussion: Threat or Savior?'

The space between these people were unlike other talk shows, it was tense and quite uneasy. Everyone stared at the other, their eyes boring across the space. The discussion had a quick start, not bothering with introductions, just headings under each contributor.

"The reason we are gathered here today is the hot topic of the Vigilante Presence in this Country, especially the one people have called, Pursuit" A picture of me in my suit appeared on screen, I was glancing around, probably after some fight.

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang