Chapter 93: Collision

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The team was now down to the Seconds... They all gathered within the Cortex of Haven Labs, it's exterior still surrounded by fencing, classifying the area as hazardous to those who don't regularly enter the building. 

Originally, the team used it as a deterrent to the public... 

Now, it was the truth...

They were merely minutes away from the accelerator activating once more, just like before. The dreadful anticipation was enough to make most in the room have a need to hurl. The previous occurance of the Accelerator had left a sour taste in each of the occupants in the lab. 

True, it did bring this Universe, it's Fastest Man Alive but they were all questioning if it was worth it. So much lost for so little, nobody believed this more than Dylan himself. His eyes trained along the clear surface that was the floor, his past, his present, his future, it was all for this.

To be a Speedster...

Yet, like the others, too much had been taken from him. 

The Accelerator took his Father...

The Accelerator stole Evan and Kana's Friends, Mentors...

The Accelerator stripped Ryan's life...

The Accelerator threw away Chris' Time...

That was just the beginning for the members of the Team, people like Katsuki, Rien were affected negatively, practically unable to recover. 

The Scarlet Speedster of the current Universe crossed his arms and rested his head against Katsuki's broad shoulder where his jacket met the collar of his shirt. Everyone knew who lost the most, who had the most taken from him, all because of who he was supposed to become.

Dylan's Destiny stole his Mother, his Father, his Life, almost his Uncle and he knew it would only continue...

The young Speedster wanted nothing more than to run away from his responsibility, to escape...




The timer was slower for Dylan, the blessing and curse of a Speedster was both waiting for the inevitable. His gaze narrowed towards the monitors in the Cortex and the sensors within the Particle Accelerator. While he stared toward the inevitable, the rest of the team did their best to comfort each other or themselves. 

Each filled with a pool of anxiety that was boiling, ready to burst free. Evan's eyes didn't leave the screen before him, his hands held together in an attempt to pray without anyone knowing. Kana and Ryan sat beside the other, hands bound in the other's for a reminder that they had to hope. 

Chris eyed his phone, as he battled the urge to call his daughter one more time. To make sure she was safe, but mostly to reassure her that he would bring her best friend and classmates back, alive. 

Across the city, John was laying in his bed in the hospital, soon to be released after a long period of time unable to leave his room. Ameila, his flame and doctor sat beside him, her attention taken by a book she was reading while the man beside her fought the need to drive to Haven Labs. 

Christmas was supposed to be a wonderous time of the year, were the land was coated in a sheet of white snow, a hope for the future. The only person who didn't feel the need to assure themselves of hope was Denki Kaminari, Surge...

The electric yellow orbs in his head were filled with satisfaction as he observed the weak, lesser version of himself squirm within his unhinged grasp. Victory was within sight, he was so close to his acsension. The Psudo-Speedster twisted the small contraption into the socket of the small collar that he had fashioned for his younger self to wear. 

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