Chapter 26: Reset

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I'm in the past... How am I in the past? What the hell?! I was running and then, Bam! In the past! How is this possible!?

I cautiously walked towards the crime scene, my eyes scanning every detail in which I found that there were no differences between the last time I was here.

Exact same amount of people, exact same positions. With the exact same stances.

I eventually saw my Uncle talking to All Might and Erasurehead. Then he gestured me to come over. Shit... Interaction with my past. That has to be bad, right? My body awkwardly wandered over to the trio.

"H-Hey... Uncle John..." I was super awkward, my eyes saw Aizawa about to retort something. My memory flashed to him mentioning me being late. "Also, I'm sorry I'm late. Got caught up at the Precinct. Finishing some reports off" I said extremely fast.

John looked at me oddly like he knew something was off. How right he was...

"Greetings Young Man... I am All Might. No.1 hero. I'm sure you recognise me... I am thrilled to see the youth of today working hard... But, Young Man, you seem stressed. Are you alright?"

Crap... This is a different conversation then the last time. "Uh... Y-Yeah... I'm good. Just a little...tired..." I nervously chuckled while scratching the back of my head. There was an awkward tension.

Before anyone could speak, I took my chance. "I should go... Need to do my job" Then I walked by the Pro-heroes and my Uncle.

As I walked inside City Hall, I peeked my head through. My eyes cautiously wandered. This was so weird. Its like Deja vu mixed with Ground Hog Day...

Back To The Future mixed with Terminator... Wait... Time Travel is possible... The Terminator is also possible... So, is every movie and TV series with Time Travel...

Its like my world is shattered and endless at the same time. While I was spacing out, there was a soft pressure on my shoulder. I jumped to see my supervisor. "Uh... Mr Fable... Hi" He leaned back with a small smirk.

"Xander... You alright? You're a bit jumpy" He wondered. I took a breath, "I'm fine... Just thinking"

He nodded and observed the room. "What did you find?" Fable questioned. "Uh... Right" I turned around and pointed to the crater in the middle of the room. "The rubble in the crater has the same consistency as dust, there are footprints, 11 in mens shoes. The markings and scorch marks point to a struggle as they have no randomised pattern. The energy radiated was a mixture of corrosive and force... Possibly Radioactive isotopes but the half life decay has long since run its course" I explained everything all in a single breath.

Mr Fable took a step back with wide eyes. "All that from a first glance? That sounded like enough detail to put you at the scene of the crime" he said absentmindedly. "Not that you're a suspect. Just admiring your observation skills" He cleared his throat and awkwardly walked away.

That was so confusing...

As I walked to the markings on the wall, I noticed the burn out marks on the ground. They were identical to the last time. My mind was instantly taken to friction burn.

Did Surge do this? Was he here before I showed up? "Hey, Uncle John..." I said preemptively before he announced his presence.

"Damn... Nobody's sneaking up on you tonight" John had a mildly surprised look about him. My eyes averted. "Um... Sure..." How am I supposed to explain that?

"What'd you find?" He asked. I took a breath, "Uh... Meta-Human's name is Ryan Kiho... Seems to have the ability to..." a flash of the city getting flattened filtered through my head. "He can release his energy that can melt and break down matter under intense heat"

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