Chapter 22: Getting Faster

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I ran through the city at exceptional speeds, the lightning crackled around me and I raced through the night shrouded streets of the city. "Dylan... There is a shoot out a few blocked away, I'll direct you" 

"On it" I replied and increased my speed as I followed Kana's directions. When I turned onto the street, I was instantly able to recognise the sound of gunshots. A small group of people ran away from the shooters as the cops fired their weapons in retaliation. Heroes were working to secure a path out of the line of fire but there wasn't time. 

A gunman aimed his weapon at a small family, they looked back in fear as bullets were unleashed upon them. I flashed past a screaming hero, taking a small stone from the broken road. I ran past the barricade, avoiding the bullets. My body rapidly progressed towards the family. 

My hands grabbed the closest bullets, then I grabbed the mother and moved her out of the way. I then grabbed the father, who was holding his kid in his arms. I moved him quickly, throwing the stone at the gunman. The rock threw through the air, hitting the gun. 

In a few moments, I grabbed the hostages and raced towards the gunman. Within seconds, all the guns were on the ground in a pile with the police. I grabbed each thug and threw them in the police cars with handcuffs on. They yelled in panic at the new scenery. 

I stopped moving and surveyed the area. My eyes scanned the people I saved. They yelled out repeated thank yous and I nodded with a smile. "Get the vigilante!" One of the heroes yelled as he activated his quirk. Another hero got in his way, her eyes glared furiously. "He just did 90% of our job!" She turned to face me, "Thank you, Pursuit" 

My head shook in a nod and flashed away...

"Handled" I yelled into my comms as I blasted down the streets. "Alright... We got a report of a robbery, about six blocks away on the east side" Evan explained and I started running in that direction. As I raced towards the robbery, I saw a blur of red, white and blue blast past me. I quickly changed directions and halted my movements in the middle of the lonely street. 

I looked down the street to All Might. "Greetings, Young Man! I have to ask you to surrender" All Might... He was trying to reason with me. "Can we deal with this later? I have a robbery to deal with, All Might?" My vocals vibrated as I said that. 

"Sorry, no can do. You are using your quirk without restrictions. You are breaking the law" All Might got into a battle stance. "If you want to help this city. Then, find the people who were affected by the Particle accelerator. All the people who have randomly received a power need help. Some need to be stopped. Sorry, but you are in no position to fight people that dangerous" I lectured. 

"I am the No.1 Hero! I can protect anyone with a smile. Stand down or this will get ugly" I really didn't want to do this. I like All Might, he isn't a bad guy. I've met him in a case that my Uncle's Partner pondered about. Something about the league of villains. I sighed, "Allow me to show you what I mean about people that were affected being different" Lightning crackled through my body and eyes. 

He rocketed towards me, I flashed forth, meeting him head on, in an instant I passed him. He stopped and I was on the opposite side of the street. "Catch me if you can" I raced towards him, avoiding his fist, I blasted past him. I ran down the street, he took chase and I ran up the side of a building. 

Using my speed, I leaped to another building and started circling the outer perimeter of a roof. I was a trail of lighting that caught up to itself when All Might saw me. As I ran, All Might threw a punch in the air. The wind pressure caused the windows of the building to shatter and me to go flying over the side of the building. As I stumbled, my lightning reached my flailing arm. 

I lightning continued to fly from me and towards All Might. The bolt of energy was too fast for him to dodge and he was struck by the lighting. He yelled out in the explosion as I fell from the sky. 

My approach to the side of the building allowed me to gain my footing. I ran down the side of the building to see All Might falling. I reached the ground first and started running in a circle, creating a wind funnel. 

Every since Diego Watts or what Evan calls him, Port... I have been training my speed, getting faster. So, I can fight that other speedster when I am forced to. I need to be ready. All Might's decent slowed and he eventually touched the ground. 

I stopped running and stared at him, "I'm sorry about the lightning. That is the first time that happened" I was genuinely sorry about that. My bad. "Uh... See you around" I flashed away and towards the robbery. 


After taking care of the robbery, I flashed into the cortex, only to give Evan an epic high five. "That was so awesome!" He cheered. "That was the fastest you've ever run" Kana said with excitement. I nodded with a smile. "Uh... I got into a fight with All Might" 

"Dude, we know. We hear everything you do" Evan pointed out. "I know but something happened" I said with a urging gaze. "What happened?" Kana sat back down in her chair. "Well, when I was hit by the wind pressure. I stumbled off the side of the building. I accidentally hurled a bolt of lightning at him" Their stares went blank. 

"Look! He's fine! I saved him from the fall! I just think that I need more control..."

They nodded, "You're right... The faster you go, the more we learn of your capabilities" That was true, lately I feel like I can do more than just run. I've been reading up on different phenomenon in physics recently and getting Even to research the likelihood of any of them working. I wish I had an instruction manual or at least a teacher...

Just as I thought that, the alert in the cortex sounded. Evan ran to his computer and looked at us with a shocked look in his eyes. "There is something you might want to see" I used my speed to look at his screen. Then my phone started to ring. 

"Hello?" I said as I answered it. "Dylan... There is a bomb in City Hall" My Uncle told me with a worried voice. "On my way" I hung up the phone and looked at my friends. "There's a bomb at City Hall" I flashed out of the cortex, towards City Hall. 

As I approached the building, I saw a man standing in the middle of the building, his body glowing with a pulse. He turned around with a pleading look. His eyes were scared and tired. He looked like he didn't want to be here. "St-Stay away..." He sobbed. "Hey, easy..." I slowly approach, my arms up so he knew I was chill. 

"Dylan, be careful... The Dark Matter Readings are off the charts" Kana warned. "What's your name?" I asked with a calm tone. "R-Ryan..." He was a little older than me. Scared out of his mind. "Listen to me... You have to calm down... Breathe" I took a few steps closer. "N-No... Stay back" 

I shook my head, "It's okay... I'm just like you..." He frowned in confusion. "You were a normal person... But when the particle accelerator exploded you woke up with power unlike anything you've seen" He nodded.

"I can help you... But you need to breathe and stay calm... The power isn't what controls you. You control it" I explained. He clenched his fists as his face contorted in pain. "Close your eyes... Focus on a calm memory..." 

He took a shaky breath and closed his eyes. The power started to fade slowly. "Good... Keep going" His hands were shaking, I stepped forward and grabbed his hands. "Dylan! Don't touch him" I ignored Kana's warnings. The energy slowly faded and went dark. 

He fell to his knees and I caught him, "Whoa... Watch it" 

"Th-Thank you" 

"Can you stand?" He nodded and I helped him to his feet. There were flashing red and blue lights, "I'm popular but not the type that will help you out. Brace yourself" I flashed us out of the building and towards an alleyway. 

He frantically looked around, "What!? How?!" 

I walked forward and his hand outstretched, hitting my emblem of my suit. "Take that off!" He yelled. "What?" 

"Whatever you're wearing, take it off, Now!" I sighed and ran down the alleyway. There was a massive explosion but I was out of the blast zone in my underwear...

You have gotta be kidding me...

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