Chapter 15: Suspicious Coincidence

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I flashed into the cortex, the card pyramid that Evan was building was blown away from the gust of wind. "Awe, Come on! Really!?" He complained. I huffed as I fixed my mistake, using my speed to recreate the pyramid. I then took a deep breath, taking a few moments to collect my thoughts.

"Dude? You okay?" I turned quickly to see Evan slowly approaching me, "Oh... Uh..." Kana came walking into the cortex. "Hey, Dylan..."

"Um... H-Hey..."

"Are you Okay?"

"T-There is someone else like me..." I said while looking at the two. "Well... Of course there are other Meta-Humans. Did you hit yo-"

"There is another person with my Speed" I said with a serious tone. They fell silent. "How do you know?"

"Um... Bakugo... He was attacked by them months ago. Before I woke up"

Kana was still processing the information, "Bakugo described white lightning, with a grey suit that glows platinum while moving. A mask that covers the entire face. Is there... anything on the web about a platinum blur? Anything..."

"On it..." Evan said as he typed on the keyboard. I took a deep breath as I looked at my suit. As Evan was looking for possible leads, the screen on the wall flashed and a small alarm signalled.

Kana walked to the other desktop with haste, "There is a break in at Sersi Labs..." She looked at me with a worried expression. "Also an explosion"

My eye wandered to my suit, "Evan... Keep looking for leads" I flashed out of the room with my suit.

I raced down the night filled streets, avoiding cars and people, a blur of red. I ran to the laboratories. Sersi Labs was the competitor of Haven Labs.

They skyrocketed when the particle accelerator blew...

I ran to the scene, stopping in an alley where the fire was visible. The lights of flashing red and blue were seen at the front. Indicating the authorities were here.

My eyes looked at the building and saw somebody hanging over edge of a platform. "Guys! There is a window clean hanging from the building. He's gonna fall!" I exclaimed.

"Don't try to catch him. You don't have super strength" Evan frantically said into the mix. "Um... How about I..."

I was at a loss...

"Can I run up buildings?"


"Can I build up enough speed to run up a vertical surface?! Guys, hurry!" I yelled into the comms. Evan was heard doing calculations on the other side but Kana got hasty and yelled, "Just run really fast and you should be fine. But make sure you retain the same velocity when you come back down"

"Or What?..."


Oh... lovely...

I got into a running man stance. My body flickered with lightning as I bolted toward the building. My foot stepped forwards, eventually advancing up the side of the building.

Each step propelled me upwards as I raced up the man that was in danger. I reached my objective, grabbing him and racing him down the building. I forced myself to run faster as I reached the bottom.

He was safely evacuated and on solid ground. "Are you alright?" I asked with a vibrating voice. "Y-Yeah... Th-Thank you" he panted. I nodded and flashed him to the front where the EMTs were.

As I dropped him off I raced away before anyone could see me. Leaving the Pro-heroes that were on the scene behind.

"I'm coming back..." I said through the comms.

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now