Chapter 60: What We Make of It

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A little progression chapter to break up the pacing... It's 5:25am and I haven't slept so bedtime for me...

Dylan Xander's POV

No matter who you are, there is nothing anyone can stop. Well, as far as I know...

Nobody can stop time... It moves on, not caring how old your are, or how fast you can run...

Ever since that night with the Meta-Humans and Snart, the attacks have become more frequent. My life more busy, getting to a point where I've had to sneak out of group hangs with my friends or two dates with Katsuki.

One that had to end because of "Work Stuff"

Not that I can do anything about it, time loves to move forward, leaving our doubts, secrets and regrets to churn...

Swelling into a mass that becomes to heavy to bare sometimes...

When does protecting the people you care about become hurting them?... How many lies can I tell until he hates me?...

Flashing into the Cortex of Haven Labs, I witness a loud shriek from my right. Jumping at what seemed to be a dying cat, my eyes right to the side to see Ryan standing in shock.

Tablet on the ground, hand on his chest in panic. "Are you Okay?!" I squealed in confusion as I stammered to pick up the tablet.

"Um, ah..." Great, I broke the energy being. Nice going, Dylan. Super helpful. "Ryan?"

"Huh!?" He yelped, escaping from his trance. "Calm down. Just breath" I coached, gifting him with the tablet he practically threw across the lab.

"Okay..." He passed me and got back to work. I raised my brow as my eyes narrowed in on the screen. "What's you workin' on?" Leaning on the desk, I kept eye contact.

"Uh, Dr Nagato mentioned the issue with Meta-Human containment and I'm trying to figure out how we can contain them while keeping the lights on"

A short hum escaped me as I looked around. "Where is the Doc?"

"He's at City Hall"

"Why would he be at City Hall?" I inquired, not following. "Well, if we can't contain every Meta-Human then maybe the government can. Y'know with new containment cells" Ryan was sure about this plan though he was missing a vital point.

My expression cringed as I tilted my head in discomfort. "Not to rain on your parade but we're Meta-Humans and Vigilantes"

Ryan's bright eyes peered up as he made an internal revelation. "Oh snap..."

"Yeah, didn't think that through, Huh? The police still try to arrest me, along with Endeavor always showing up to apprehend me. Though, you have a bigger target on your back. Neutron, you...are new. They don't trust you as much and you can't disappear in a blink of an eye" I listed the obvious elephants in the room.

My energy manipulating friend placed the device on the table and sighed, "How do you do it?... The hero work? The work Life balance? The relationship?..."

I huffed in amusement as I fell into a seat, "This might sound rich coming from me but...One Step at a Time. I'm still making those steps and I'm there to help you adjust even quicker than I did"

Even though I'm naturally fast on my feet.

"Life is what we make of it" I added before pulling myself to my feet, as I did, my phone began to buzz.

Pulling it out, my eyes caught the contact info. "Hey, Rien. What's up?" I spoke as soon as the phone was by my ear. "Uh, hey... Are you busy?" Her high pitch tone felt as though she was gonna ask for something.

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant