Chapter 81: No Rhythm

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Katsuki went rushing down the hallway, his instincts yelling for him to follow this exact trail.

Not entirely knowing that the Speedster known as The Flash took this path through STAR Labs a few seconds prior.

Leaping forward, Katsuki unleashed a few controlled explosions that burst him forth at faster speeds.

All he had to go off was the sounds of lightning and muffled shouting.

Turning down one corner, his eyes met the backside of the same man who placed Dylan in the coma he resided in.

A furious glare adorned the face of the explosive teen while The Flash stood still, ready for a fight.

Kicking off the wall, Katsuki increased the of his explosive output. Sending him towards the mysterious and very irritating man.

Twirling for extra force, he reared his arm back with a monsterous explosion ready to be released. "DIE!!"

The concussive force burst every piece of glass in the Speed Lab, aside from the safety glass that was framed on the track where Speedsters practice their speed.

Barry covered his eyes as the light blinded him and masked his face from the smoke.

From the smoke there was a chuckle, "How cute... You can barely cause a tickle" A charming tone pierced everyone's ears.

A hand light tapped Katsuki's chest, causing him to tumbling across the room.

Meanwhile Wally had a moment of thought that caused him to forget his current trauma.

It was a antagonizing instinct that related to his inner competitiveness. Katsuki's words, No matter how cruel were correct.

He was just sitting on his Ass...

Taking a breath, he disappeared in Speedster fashion. Moving to the Speed Lab in a single moment.

Rocketing in, the man took notice. Somehow able to react to a Speedster's movement.

It was similar to Kara's speed...

The tussle didn't last very long as the man teased and taunted Kid Flash and the Pro-Hero to be. Creating mockery out of their performance.

Wally froze up, his mind filled with visions of Savitar... He couldn't move... Couldn't help...

Not even Katsuki's tenacity could stop the threat from getting his hands on Barry and just like with Dylan...

He was thrown into a comatose state.

"This has been quite fun, although I do have some time before we make it to the climax of this little plot I have going on... Toodles..." The Charming being of unknown origin quipped before disappearing in a sudden flash.

Leaving the two on the ground, in shock of how in vein their efforts were worth...

Katsuki gritted his teeth, releasing a scream of rage and an explosion to account.

Dylan Xander's POV

Where was I?... Why do I feel so hot?... What happened?... My mind was swarming with these questions although something was holding me from ever acting on my curiosity.

It wasn't mind control... I felt...really, really great...

A hot breath blew against my neck as contact with a soft surface was made. My eyes fluttered open for but a single moment.

Catching a velvety texture in front of me, with a blob of Ash-blonde moving slight just below my line of sight.

"You're excited..." The voice whispered in my ear, he was familiar...

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum