Chapter 85: A Beat in The Right Direction

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Can we just say how cheesy the whole crossover is?! I watched it like three times and damn. I know it is intentionally cheesy but I must admit that it is weird to write.

Anyway, enjoy... I hope...


The four were pulled through a breach that landed them before the bank they witnessed the power bandit utilise Kara's Heat Vision to enter.

Katsuki silently cussed, not liking the cold climate that slightly hindered his quirk's efficiency.

"All Right" Cisco remarked, staring down the dazzling man in a pristine tux. "Hello, friends!" He greeted with a jolly attitude as he pranced towards the two Meta-Humans, Alien and Quirk User.

The attitude caused Katsuki's rage to reach a new peak. He wasn't being taken seriously, he'd show them all who's boss.

"Kid Flash. Oh, I'm so glad you could join the party. I'm such a huge fan of your work, but I have to say, recently, your work has been a bit off" The thief was prying under Wally's mask, pulling up the trauma he had recently experienced.

"You know what I'm talking about? I think maybe it's just that you're a little scared...from what happened in the Speedforce" He gestured to his chest with a pitying expression as he held a duffle bag.

"Is that it?" Katsuki didn't know the full story, although Wally's silence spoke volumes.

Wally knew he had to be brave, to power through his fear. "No, and I'm not afraid of anything" The young speedster showed a wall of resolve that was instilled by the people around him.

Katsuki readied for a fight, calculating his next possible move. "Prove it" With a burst of speed that coated him in lightning, the speedster and power bandit bolted down the streets of Central City.

Around and over building, two trails of unstoppable energy trying to tag the other.

"Wally, be careful. He has both Barry's and Dylan's speed" Caitlin reminded as she observed a monitor in the medical lab.

Iris leaned on a table to relay some information. "Uh, Cisco, they're headed towards 4th and Aspen"

"Got it" Vibe responded, opening a breach. "This way!" He relayed in which Katsuki had already dashed through, leaving a cloud of smoke from an explosion as he propelled through the air.

Appearing along a snowy street, Wally moved at his top speed, while his opponent seemed to be toying with him.

"Where are they?" Katsuki growed, looking around for possible traps he could set.

It didn't take long to notice a golden bolt of lightning zoom down the street, only to take off, losing the electrical shroud.

"I got him!" Katsuki exclaimed, firing himself into the air. "DIE!" Lighting the night sky with an explosive heat, Katsuki was propelled further into the air.

"Keep him busy! J'onn, I'll open a breach and be ready to hit something hard on the other side. Same for you Wally, on ground level" Cisco conveyed, setting up a counter attack.

Even though he didn't like taking orders, Katsuki pushed through, focusing on the bigger picture.

Taking chase in the air, the explosive youth stayed on the offense. Weaving through the air, causing a display of fire and heat in the air.

"Man, you don't give up. Except for when you need to make the clutch play. No wonder why Dylan dumped you" By poking the bear, Katsuki screamed a wrathful roar.

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora