Chapter 64: What's Important

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Dylan Xander's POV

Each step in the Speedforce was pure energy, reacting to my presence and pushing me forth with every stride.

The surface I ran upon exploded with unlimited potential as I continued to feel the timeline pull itself through me.

"You are Pursuit... But you're also Dylan Xander and that's the best part..." My Uncle's voice breached the chaos, guiding me forth.

"Tch...You don't need a mask to be a Hero! You do it all the damn time..." Katsuki's voice pierced through louder than before.

Although, this Katsuki seemed older by a few years. I only caught a glimpse before his images could be painted in my psyche.

Staring ahead, I clenched my fists as I began to thrust through the space between reality.

Getting faster and faster, not caring about the consequences. Only this time my intentions were good, focused and nurturing.

Soon enough, I ran out of the Speedforce, eyes closed as I breathed in air.

As I arrived at the limits of the city, skidding to a complete halt. Catching my breath I looked around, the ground had a trail of a dust cloud from my point of arrival.

Letting out a sigh, I stood tall, looking towards the starry night. "I'll find you, don't you worry, Denki" The muttered statement was an assurance to myself and him.

My head turned to face the city, the skyline buildings lit up the distance, like a beacon it called to me.

"I don't have to be Fastest..." I crouched down into a running man stance, lightning courses around my body, flickering across the ground as I vibrated.

"I just have to be faster than you..." I looked up, this new found energy like I had grown closer to the Speedforce had surged through me.

Denki wouldn't know what hit him because I'm not the only one against him. He's against the Speedforce itself.

And I'm okay with that...

There was a flash of light as I darted towards the city, a thunderous crack erupted from behind. Weaving through traffic, I passed new reaches in my speed.

Taking in a deep breath, I let the electrical charge wrap around me. My limits aren't physical, they're mental.

I am limited by my own mentality...

Yes, I am only Human and capable of so little but the little I can do... It's going to be enough...

It has to be...

My speed picked up, Mach 9, Mach 10, Mach 11, easily getting faster. It was freedom incarnate.

Entering the city, I passed through the streets, soon arriving at the precinct moments after I had originally left. Glancing around, I sighed at the mess.

Uncle John was attempting to pull his phone out, probably calling Nagato. Circling the room, I quickly cleaned the mess, appearing behind John.

"...John!" I raised my voice gaining the attention he could give. He muttered a few curses, carefully turning around.

"Holy Shit, Dylan" He made a quick approach, placing both hands on my shoulders, firmly squeezing. "That's it... You're taking a break..." Before I could argue, he stopped me.

"The city and your friend won't die... You said Surge needs him and I doubt he can kill his younger self... Rest your mind, okay?..." The concerned expression brimmed from his eyes, he was scared although he was too proud to admit it.

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