↠ stuck pt. 2

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For the next two days, the five managed not to interact with each other. The guys continued fighting over the bed for an hour before sleeping on top of each other. Emily made a home out of the bathtub. Carlos stopped making breakfast. Cooking stopped in total. It was every man for themself now. 


With only a few days to go, Emily could not wait for the guys to be out of her apartment. 

Her back was aching every waking moment from sleeping in a bathtub while four idiots took her own bed. 

During the afternoon, Emily finally left her bathtub and went to grab water from her disastrous kitchen. 

"Oh, hey," Kendall hummed from the couch where he and Carlos were playing video games, "I forgot you were here."

Spitefully, "It's my apartment," she reminded him. 

"What's your issue?" Logan asked, setting his book down. 

"My issue?" Emily repeated. "How I've spent the last two days sleeping in a bathtub because you guys literally kicked me out of my own bed!" 

"Because you got it all to yourself for days!" Carlos defended. 

"It's my bed, Carlos!" She shouted. 

Logan stood up, holding his hands out, hoping to defuse the tension, "Guys, let's calm down–"

Emily smacked his hand down, "No, because you started all this when you snuck into my room, which is a clear violation of my "do not come into my room if the door is closed" rule!" 

"Well, this is my quiet, reading time and you're not being very quiet."

Emily grabbed his book from the counter, bending the spine all the way backwards until it snapped. Logan gasped. 

"That was intense," Kendall mumbled to Carlos. 

"Shut up, Kendall!" Logan and Emily yelled at the boy who was acting too innocent. 

"What did I do?" He asked. 

"For one, you're sleeping in my bed!" 

Kendall rolled his eyes, "We're still talking about that?"

"Still– Are you–" She stuttered, "Do you not see the problem here?" 

"The problem is you're screaming and we're trying to play a game," Carlos answered from the couch. 


"You don't realize how wildly inappropriate that is?" 

"You're not the only person living here!"

"This is quiet time!" 

Soon, the four of them erupted into an intense screaming match at each other, some bickering for no reason, just because they were angry now. 

"You shouldn't have even gotten a corndog–"

"Can't you ever admit maybe you're wrong?"

"No, one cares about quiet time!"

"I can't admit when I'm wrong? Have you met yourself!"

"Woah!" James finally entered the room, hair jostled. He had just woken from a nap in Emily's room. "What's all the fighting about?" He asked.

"So, now you're casually napping in my bed without my permission?" Emily questioned. 

"You weren't in there," the boy shrugged. 

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