2.09; guru

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"Dogs, you've come a long way," Gustavo said. 

He had the boys lined up in the studio. Emily sat swinging in the circular chair in the corner, watching them about to get yelled at.

"But we have a longer way to go before you go multi-platinum and start selling out 50,000 seat stadiums," he said, stopping in front of James. "James is still too self centered and only cares about himself.

"James and I still disagree," the boy hummed, combing his hair while looking in a handheld mirror as we wore a t-shirt of himself. 

"Quiet, you, two!" Gustavo snapped. Emily held back a laugh. "Carlos still lacks direction." 

"I do not!" He countered, facing the complete opposite direction. 

"Turn around, buddy," Emily told him. Carlos spun on his heels, turning all the way around instead of halfway. 

"Logan, still lacks swagger," Gustavo said. 

"Yes, but you ever need a color pencil, who are you going to call?" Logan smirked, pulling out a colored pencil from the clip on his shirt pocket that read math is cool

Gustavo took the pencil, snapping it in half making Logan yelp in distress.

Gustavo spun on his heels, pointing to the girl swinging in the corner, "Moore, needs to be more open-minded, and less negative."

"No, I don't!" She yelled, offended she had been called out at all.

"And Kendall needs to stop talking back to me after everything I say." 

"And Gustavo needs to take a-" The boy started to say.

"Don't say it. Not one more word," Gustavo stopped him, holding up a finger, warningly. 

Kendall sighed, looking to his friends who all shook their heads fearfully, with the except of Emily who from the corner gave him a big thumbs up.

"Chill pill." 

Gustavo clenched up, his body shaking. Then stream blew out of his ears and he remained still.

"Steam," Carlos and James hummed.

"That's a new one," Logan commented. 

"Go!" Emily yelled, watching them stand there when they should be running for their lives. They nodded, taking off out of the studio, with Gustavo screaming after them. 

As Kelly and Emily waited to hear the screams drown out, they slowly began moving from their spots until the coast was totally clear. 

"Please go stop that," Kelly asked, referencing the chaos.

"Why me? That sounds awful," she replied, groaning in disgust. 

"Because this would be a nice chance for you to prove you're not close-minded by accepting the responsibility and doing it."

Emily pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, "I feel set up."

"You are."

The girl whined as she grudgingly dragged her body out of the studio to maybe find the boys still alive. 


Emily peaked her head into the crib, seeing the boys all gathered, unharmed despite the door unhinged and on the floor.

She straightened up, entering. "You aren't dead," she observed, shocked.

"Buddha Bob did this weird pinch thing and it totally calm him down!" Carlos told her. 

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