1.07; photoshoot

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"What happened?" Camille asked, seeing the drastic difference in Big Time Rush's photo on the Pop Tiger poster and their current state, moaning in pain on the pool chairs.

Emily grimaced, propping Logan's elbows on two pillows.

"You guys look terrible!"

"What happened?" James retorted, sitting up, pointing at the picture. "That picture happened!"

"Stop moving," Emily told them, not understanding how they didn't understand moving meant more pain as she dropped an ice pack into Kendall's lap.

"Camille, get ready for a tale of adventure, danger, and nail-biting suspense," Kendall said, before spitting out a tooth into his palm.

"Did your tooth just fall out?" Emily exclaimed, horrified as she placed a frozen steak against Carlos' face.

"No, wait," Carlos said, picking up the tooth and shoving it into his mouth. "That's mine."

Everyone groaned in disgust watching the boy put his tooth back in.

Emily, placing a bandage on James' forearm, looked away, disturbed by the sight. "It's not all bad Camille," she told her friend.

"Yes it is!" The boys corrected in unison.

Ignoring them, Emily's cheeks began to blush as she smiled, "Dak kissed me," she told her friend, who's jaw dropped in surprise and jealousy.

"No way!"

"It was your cheek," Logan corrected.

"It still happened," Emily said, still smiling brightly.

"Anyway," Kendall interrupted. "We we're enjoying a chill afternoon in the crib..."

Earlier that day

Emily stood, bored as she watched the hockey players engage in a dangerous and aggressive game of indoor hockey.

Kelly has given Emily a blow horn as part of her new plan to handle the band.

The girl pressed down, a loud screeched going off, causing all the boys to halt.

"Helmets off, smiles on!" She announced. "If we hurry, you get to be on the next Pop Tiger, hot-new star pin-up foldout, special spring poster issue!" She told them, excited.

The boys, confused, glanced at each other, and back at the girl.

"Em, in English please," Kendall said.

Disappointed they didn't understand, she rolled her eyes, excitement gone. "You're taking a picture, let's go."

The boys erupted in cheers behind her, throwing off the hockey gear, following behind Emily to the studio's limo.


"I can't believe we're going to be in Pop Tiger!" James exclaimed, sitting across from his buds in the limo.

"I know, it's totally awesome! What's Pop Tiger?" Carlos asked, the question lingering between him and the other two boys.

"Only the most popular teen magazine in the world," James answered, pulling out a copy featuring Dak Zevon on the cover.

"Is that Katie's?" Logan asked, "Please tell me it's Katie's."

"Hey, this magazine has great articles for guys too," James defended, looking for an example on the cover. "Like, OMG! I IMed the wrong BFF."

Kendall reached over, took the magazine, and amusingly started to read more examples. "What one thing would hottie hunk Dak Zevon bring to a desert island? I gotta say, I'm curious."

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