↠ jamesdiamond started a live video

2K 74 72

James saw the number in the corner of his screen run up into the thousands in seconds. He smiled at the camera, seeing the wind of commends flood the screen. 

"Hey, guys! A lot of you have been asking for a Q&A for a while now, and I'm here to deliver," he smirked. "Start sending in those questions here–" A box for fans to submit questions appeared "–and allow me to introduce you to our guest star today."

OMG is it Emily?

ugh pls don't be the gf


Logan pls Logan pls

I love your music!

"Say hello to Emily Moore!" The phone appeared right in front of Emily's face where she sat on her couch reading a book. 

"What?" She turned her head to James who never mentioned this live stream. 

yikes she doesn't look ready


lol did james not tell her?

 James crashed onto the couch beside her, so the two of them were visible at the same time. "We've been so excited to finally do this with you guys!" 

"You didn't say we were doing this," Emily said, not attempting to mask her ambush for the live fans. 

James laughed, brushing her off, "Of course I did!" 

"He didn't tell me," Emily told the fans. 

"That's enough of that," James pushed her head out of camera. "Let's see what questions we have..." James smiled, picking on for the live to show everyone. "'Emily, who is your favorite btr member?' I wonder who," he said cheekily. 

"Kendall," Emily answered, holding her tongue in her teeth to keep from smiling at what she knew would be a dramatic reaction from the boy next to her. 


james i love you!


she doesn't even like him 

wow some of y'all don't get jokes

James' smile dropped, "I will fire you," he told her. 

"You can't fire me," she narrowed her eyes, confused on if he actually thought he possessed power to fire anyone on the team. She scrolled through the questions, selecting another. "'james why did you cut your hair 🎤 the overgrown justin bieber cut was a look' from vampiwh0re who is asking the real questions."

James rolled his eyes as Emily read the question, moreso annoyed with her choice of question. "I grew up," he said. 

"That's debatable."

"'What's your favorite memory together?' Thank you VOIDVANNIE for such a sweet question," he said before going into thought. 

"Ummm," Emily thought out loud, trying to find a more public memory in her mind. "Europe was fun, so was our first date."

"Our first date?" James questioned, wondering how she could possibly mean that derailed evening. 

"Basically, James and I had a long overdue first date because we spent the first few months on tour and our friends crashed every attempted date. We had very nice dinner plans, but our friend needed some help on his own date that night, so we gave him our reservations and spent the entire night sneaking around the restaurant, puppeting the date," Emily told the fans. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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