2.02; fans

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Ever since the tour ended, Emily had been collecting all the fan mail sent to the studio for the band. Once the bag was full, she dropped it on Gustavo's desk who told her to remove it immediately. 

The bag, back in her hands, was behind her back as her and the two adults stood in front of the boys who sat on the couch, waiting to show them their letters and gifts. 

"Guys," Gustavo called, "Here's a little thing we like to call..." 

Emily, a tight smile, pulled out the massive bag of mail. Kelly and Gustavo grabbed the bottom and pour it over, hundreds of packages and letters spilling out onto the table in front of the boys. 

"Fan mail!" 

In a fit of shocked excitement, the boys screamed and dug through the mail to open it all. 

"'Dear Kendall, can you please, please, please, please, please send a photo?'" Kendall read.

"'I love BTR, but mostly James,'" Logan read, a big smile on his face, as well as the boy inquired in the letter. "Ha, she's wrong," Logan smiled, cheering going onto the next letter. 

"'Logan, you're my favorite,'" Carlos read to Logan. "'P.S., please enjoy this meatloaf I made for you,'" He gushed, holding up the loaf in admiration. 

"Meatloaf!" Logan cheered. 

"P.P.S., please give it to Carlos," Carlos muttered, looking off in wonderment as he tricked his friend.  

Emily hid a laugh as Logan tackled Carlos off the couch, demanding his meatloaf, despite the fact that, as Carlos reminded him, he doesn't like meatloaf. 

"Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm sending my fan a photo," Kendall hummed, ignoring the chaos behind him. 

A loud horn sounded through the studio as Gustavo motioned for Emily to wheel the excessive chalkboard over which she knew was only for dramatic flair. 

"Fan mail do's and don'ts," the boys read, as Kelly pointing to the heading on the board with a pointer.  

"Do keep it short and simple. Write things like, "you rock too" and "hey, thanks," Gustavo falsely cheered. 

"Do sign your name. All fans love autographs," Kelly advised.

"Don't give out any personal information or advice," Emily warned, standing in front of the board, as Gustavo joined her. 

"Otherwise some crazed fan will show up on your front doorstep and ask you to help make them famous." 

A tough force pushed against Emily's back, the chalkboard tipping over and shoving her to the ground with Gustavo and Kelly. 

"I'm wearing white, get it off!" Emily cried, desperately praying the chalk wouldn't rub off on her white shirt. 

Gustavo pushed to his knees, throwing the board off, him and the two females jumping to their feet. 

There stood a bleach blonde with an excited smile, holding a signed picture from the band, who promised to make her famous. 

"So, fan girl, which one of these lads gave you advice, and the address to my studio?" Gustavo shouted, furiously looking at the boys in accusation. 

Emily studied each one, as they all looked to each other, with the execution of one, who had a guilty smile, before taking off down the hall to hide. 

The girl sighed, "Go get him," she pleaded, to the others who groaned, running after the guilty Carlos. 

As the boys left, Emily turned to the girl. "Hi, I'm Emily Moore," she introduced. "You went to school with the guys?"

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