2.25; secret

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Carlos hadn't spoken in 14 hours. 

Ever since game night at Lucy's when James revealed the time he wronged him, Carlos just sat fuming in the crib. Logan and Kendall periodically texted Emily updates through the morning that he hasn't snapped yet. 

Emily had quickly shot down hosting game night when her friends asked. She did it once with the guys, and they managed to shorten the lighting circuits in her apartment. Game nights got violent whether they liked it or not. 

"Okay," Lucy said, sitting down on the floor by Emily, "the game is called "what's the worst thing you've ever done to a person in this room that they don't know about?'"

Emily looked at Camille amused as the guys froze, avoiding eye contact with each other. 

"Um, that game sound dangerous," Kendall told her. "And also not a game."

"Come on, guys!" Camille begged. "I love secrets. Let's play."

"Is BTR afraid?" Emily questioned, looking at Lucy who nodded at the guys. The guys began laughing.

"How do you play?" The asked, seriously. 

Emily smirked, nodding in victory to Camille. Lucy flicked the spinner sitting on the table, "I spin the spinner, and whoever it lands on has to spill their secrets." 

As the spinner twirled around, Emily drummed her hands on the table in anticipation. It slowed down, pointing at James. 

"Okay, um," he thought, scanning the room. "Carlos."

"Bring it," the boy said, hitting his helmet. 

"Remember that girl, Heather Fox, you had a crush on a Camp Wonky Donkey?" Carlos beamed, nodding at the mention of the girl's name. "Well, she gave me a note saying that she liked you but I threw it away and never told you because I had a crush on her too." Emily gaped, cautiously watching Carlos as the room grew tense. "Oh!" He laughed.

"She was the love of my life!" Carlos snapped, standing on the chair. James stood, nervously. Carlos fell before, tackling James in the small space, colliding into the door, breaking it down and landing the two in the middle of the hallway. 

Logan and Kendall hurriedly shot up, running out to break up the fight. Emily gasped, watching excitedly. 

"That is why game nights aren't allowed at my place," she pointed out to Lucy who winced sheepishly. 

The girl was forced to pack up her bag for her practice with Kendall that afternoon. 

Camille had been spending the past few days coaching the two through a routine in figure skating at the arena downtown. Her skates were thrown in her bag, as she exhaustingly waited for Kendall to knock giving her the clear to go. 

The guys had a million codes. Best friend code, ex-girlfriend code, but most importantly, the figure skating code. And the girl learned about it all when Kendall snuck into her apartment one night. 

"Can I help you?" Emily inquired, raising her eyebrows, as Kendall let himself in, quietly shutting the door behind him. 

"As a matter of fact, yes," he told her. "I need you to be my partner in a figure staking competition next weekend."

Emily scoffed, walking out of her kitchen, "Yeah, no. Why don't you ask Camille, she's a figure skater."

Kendall sighed, "I did, and she can't risk getting injured with her auditions coming up."

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